Group 2: Carin Cason, Jamie Daniels, Britni Engelmohr, Lindsey Franklin, Krista Gleghorn, Sara Kirby
The National FFA Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event stimulates learning activities relative to production and management, processing, marketing and consumption of poultry products.
Students complete a written exam, solve a management problem, evaluate animals and products, and identify poultry products. This event is supported by curriculum in the following agricultural science and technology coursework: AGSC 102-Applied Agricultural Science and Technology AGSC 231-Plant and Animal Production AGSC 241- Food Technology AGSC 332-Animal Science AGSC 336-Advanced Animal Science.
make accurate observations and logical decisions. discuss and justify decisions (orally and written). communicate industry and product terminology. promote USDA standards of product quality. identify consumer preferences for products. recognize economic importance of value-added products. collaborate with others for solutions to industry problems. demonstrate the use of appropriate information technology used in the poultry industry.
evaluate and select live meat-type chickens for broiler breeding purposes and orally defend the selection. evaluate and place live egg-type hens and orally defend the selection. evaluate and grade ready-to-cook carcasses and parts of chickens and turkeys. evaluate, grade and place ready-to-cook carcasses of turkeys and orally defend the placing. evaluate and grade individual shell eggs for interior quality. evaluate and grade individual shell eggs for exterior quality and indicate factors governing the grading. evaluate further-processed poultry meat products (e.g., precooked, coated chicken meat patties, tenders, nuggets or wings) and indicate factors governing the grading. identify poultry carcass parts. complete a written examination on poultry production and management. perform a team activity related to poultry science.
Each school will have a 3 or 4 member team. All participants will be scored, but only the top 3 scores count towards the team total. Participants will have 14 minutes to evaluate each class. There will be a 2-minute warning. Participants have 1 minute to travel to the next class. Participants must supply 2 No. 2 pencils and their own calculator (must meet regulation) Event will provide each participant with a clip board and a scantron. All animals must be treated humanely.
Live Poultry Each participant will select the four best potential broiler breeders from a class of eight meat type. Each participant will place a class of four egg-type hens. cockerels or pullets. Ready-to-Cook Poultry Each participant will grade a class of ten ready-to-cook chicken and/or turkey carcasses and/or parts. Criteria for grading will be derived from USDA standards for chicken carcasses weighing two pounds to six pounds and for turkey carcasses weighing six pounds to sixteen pounds. Each participant will place a class of four ready-to-cook turkey carcasses.
Shell Eggs Each participant will grade a class of ten white (or white-tint)-shell eggs. Each participant will grade a class of ten shell eggs. Each participant will determine written factors for the grading of the exterior chicken eggs. Further Processed Poultry Each participant will determine written quality factors for a class of ten further-processed poultry meat products (e.g., precooked, coated chicken meat patties, tenders, nuggets or wings). Each participant will identify ten poultry parts. Written Exam Each participant will complete a 25 item written examination on poultry production, management, anatomy and physiology.
Administered at the beginning of the event. For the team activity all members of the team will work collaboratively to perform a poultry science related task. Each team member will then answer 15 questions about the group activity. This activity may require participants to use technologies found in the poultry industry (i.e. computers and internet resources).
State Live Poultry 100 Ready to Cook 100 Shell Eggs 150 Further Processed Products 150 Written Exam 100 Total Points Individual 500 Team 1,500 Point Value of 12 Classes/Individual 750 (Total Possible Individual Points) Point Value of 13 Classes 2,450 (Total Possible Team Points) (including the Team Points) National
State Event Location: Texas A&M University State Event Date: April 25, 2009 National Event Location: Indianapolis National Even Date: October 21, 2009
IMS Curriculum National 4-H Poultry Judging Event Provider Contact: Dr. Jason Lee
USDA grades A, B, & C determined by: Confirmation Exposed flesh on breast and other parts Missing parts Broken and dislocated joints
No Exposed Flesh on Breast and less than 1.5 inches elsewhere 1 disjointed joint and NO broken bones Missing Parts- wing tip and tail ONLY 1/3 or less exposed flesh on each part 2 disjointed joint and NO broken bones Missing Parts- to the second wing joint No limit on any area