Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India Orientation Workshop for the District Collector and BDO of the select Districts and Blocks at National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad on 28th & 29th October, 2010
Livestock population Sl. No.SpeciesPopulation 1.Cattle Buffaloes Mithun278 4.Yak65 5.Sheep Goat Horses & Pony751 9.Donkey Camel Pig Mules Poultry TOTAL Figure in thousands
Objectives of Animal Husbandry Services To augment production of livestock and poultry products such as milk, meat, egg, wool and other byproducts. To supply productive variety livestock and poultry to the needy farmers. To provide adequate animal breeding services for improvement and upgradation of local/ indigenous breeds.
To educate people by imparting training on scientific and modern methods of livestock and poultry farming systems for enhancement of livestock and poultry production. To provide proper health care of livestock through proper diagnosis of diseases, timely vaccination and rational treatment for optimizing livestock production. Objectives of Animal Husbandry Services
To organize various Animal Husbandry and Dairy co-operatives / Self Help Groups at different levels and assist them in generating Self-employment for earning sustainable income throughout the year. Objectives of Animal Husbandry Services
Poultry Development Poultry Development is a household activity in India. Scientific poultry production in India gained momentum during the last 4 decades due to concerted efforts of the Government of India through policies, institutions and focused research and initiatives taken by the private sector.
Poultry Development The poultry sector has emerged from entirely unorganized farming practices to the commercial production system with state of the art technological interventions. Poultry sector, besides providing direct or indirect employment to people, is also a potent tool for subsidiary income generation for many landless and marginal farmers and also provides nutritional security especially to the rural poor.
Poultry Development The Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Poultry Development implemented by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF) has 3 components namely (i) Assistance to State Poultry Farms, (ii) Rural Backyard Poultry Development and (iii) Poultry Estates (new component).
Poultry Development Assistance to State Poultry Farms: Aims to strengthen existing state poultry farms so as to enable them to provide inputs, mainly in terms of providing improved stocks suitable for rural backyard rearing. Sharing pattern of funds between center & state is 80 : 20 (except for NE states for which 100% central funding is provided) The components of the scheme could include strengthening of infrastructure, feed mixing plants & equipment for feed analytical laboratory, in house disease diagnostic laboratory, revolving fund for purchase of hatching eggs, parent stock, feed ingredients, marketing, consultancy etc.
Poultry Development Rural Backyard Poultry Development: This component aims to cover BPL beneficiaries enabling them to gain supplementary income and nutritional support. Funding is in the form of grant to state government and fully funded by Government of India except for loan subcomponents for mother units which will be provided to NABARD.
Poultry Development Poultry Estates (new component): Entrepreneurship skills are to be improved through exploratory pilot component of poultry estates. It is meant primarily for educated, unemployed youth and small farmers with some margin money for making a profitable venture out of various poultry related activities in a scientific and bio secure cluster approach. Grant will be provided to states for infrastructure development on 75:25 (center : state) sharing basis and 100% grant to NABARD for other components.
Dairy Development Government of India is making efforts to increase productivity of the milch animals and thus increase the per capita availability of milk. About 13.9 million farmers have been brought under the ambit of 1,33,349 village level dairy cooperative societies in the country as part of operation flood programme.
Dairy Development The efforts of DADF in the dairy sector are concentrated on promotion of dairy activities mainly in non-operation flood areas with emphasis on building up cooperative infrastructure, revitalization of sick dairy cooperative federation and creation of infrastructure in the states for production of quality milks and milk products.
Dairy Development The important schemes of DADF on dairy development are (i) Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP), (ii) Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production, (iii) Assistance to Cooperatives and (iv) Dairy Venture Capital Fund.
Dairy Development Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP): The main objectives of the scheme are : –Development of milch cattle –Increasing milk production by providing technical input services –Procurement, processing and marketing of milk in a cost effective manner –Ensure remunerative prices to the milk producers
Dairy Development Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP): The scheme started in on 100% grant-in- aid basis. The scheme is continued in in hilly and backward areas including districts which received grants of less than Rs. 50 lakhs, for dairy development activities during operation flood programme. Pattern of funding is 100% grant in aid from central government to state governments/ UTs except for a few items like cost of land for chilling centers, provision of water and electricity connection, salary of project & monitoring staff etc.
Dairy Development Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP): The scheme will be implemented by State Dairy Federation District Milk Unions. Funds will be released directly to implementing agencies. Maximum project cost will be Rs. 3 crore per district. Major components of the project will include –Milk processing & marketing facilities including chilling, processing, product manufacturing – Milk procurement activities –Technical input services including breed improvement, animal health care, feed & fodder development etc.
Dairy Development Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP): Cattle induction to be restricted to only SC/STs and BPL families subject to overall ceiling of 10% of total project cost and subsidy may be restricted to 50% of the cost of cattle as per norms decided by NABARD. Project prepared by State Government/ Implementing agencies will be considered by project sanctioning committee consisting of Secretary, DADF and representatives of Finance Ministry, Planning Commission, Ministry of RD, AS&FA (DADF), JS(Dairy Development) DADF and NDDB.
Dairy Development Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production: The objective of the scheme is creation of necessary infrastructure for production of quality milk at the farmers level up to the points of consumptions. Improvement of milking procedure at the farmers level Training & strengthening of infrastructure
Dairy Development Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production: The scheme is being implemented through the State government by District Cooperative Milk Union / State Level Milk Federation. The target group are farmer members of primary dairy cooperative societies.
Dairy Development Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production: The scheme is implemented on 100% grant in aid basis to State Govt./ UTs for the components training of farmer members, supply of detergents and antiseptic solution, stainless steel utensils, strengthening of existing laboratory facilities whereas 75% financial assistance is provided for setting up of milk chilling facilities at village level in the form of bulk milk coolers.
Dairy Development Assistance to Cooperatives : The objective of the scheme is to revitalize the sick dairy cooperative unions at the district level and cooperative federations at the state level. The scheme is being implemented by the concerned district cooperative milk unions / state dairy federation. The central grant under the scheme are to be provided to the milk unions / federations through NDDB.
Dairy Development Assistance to Cooperatives : The target group are the sick cooperative milk unions/ federations. A number of dairy cooperatives with 3 tier structure namely village level primary cooperatives, district level unions and state level federation have been setup in different parts of the country under the operation flood programme. For a variety of reasons, a number of these unions / federations have accumulated losses. These accumulated losses have been imposing severe hardships to the milk producers and their dairy economy, resulting in, among other things, delayed and irregular payments to the poor farmer members of these cooperatives.
Dairy Development Assistance to Cooperatives : The funds are released on 50:50 sharing basis between Union of India & the concerned state government.
Dairy Development Dairy Venture Capital Fund : To bring about structural changes in the unorganized sector, the measures like milk processing at village level, marketing of pasteurized milk in a cost effective manner, quality upgradation of traditional technology to handle commercial scale using modern equipment and management skills, the venture capital fund was started.
Dairy Development Dairy Venture Capital Fund : Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided as loan to the rural/ urban beneficiaries under a schematic proposal through bankable project. The scheme is being implemented through NABARD. The pattern of assistance is –Entrepreneur’s contribution - 10% –Interest free loan from revolving fund provided by GOI- 50% –Bank loan at interest applicable for agricultural acitvities- 40%
Dairy Development Dairy Venture Capital Fund : Government of India subsidizes the interest component applicable for agricultural activities to the extent of 50% only in case of regular / timely repayment by the beneficiary.
Evaluation Criteria Sl. No.CriteriaWeight 1.Assessment of need, collection of data, conduct of survey etc. 15% 2.Preparation of DPR25% 3.Formation of sanctioning and monitoring committees 10% 4Approval of Project and release of funds 25% 5Monitoring & Evaluation25%