The EU Regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing What is the Commission doing to implement it? Denis Simonin, Animal Welfare unit.


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Presentation transcript:

The EU Regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing What is the Commission doing to implement it? Denis Simonin, Animal Welfare unit Directorate General for Health and Consumers European Commission

A new EU regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing Regulation 1099/2009 started to apply 1/1/2013 More responsibility for slaughterhouses Standard operating procedures in particular at stunning Animal welfare officer Competence for staff handling animals Scientific support appointed by competent authorities 2

Preliminary work before 2013 Fact finding missions in third countries in 2011 Preliminary investigation on the state of preparedness of the Member States in 2012 International conference with Stakeholders in October 2012 Production of a booklet on the role of the animal welfare officer in all EU languages BTSF on slaughter and killing Development of BTSF e-learning tool on new regulation 3

Since 1/1/2013: Member States (1) Integration in all FVO relevant units: animal health and welfare, red meat and poultry slaughterhouses 8 red meat audits (UK, MT, ES, PT, LV, FI, SI and BE) 3 poultry audits till June (HU, FR and IE) Pilot of full audit in Estonia + plan to perform detailed audits in 11 Member States in 2014 Desk study on Member States official instructions and codes of good practice 4

Since 1/1/2013: Member States (2) 2013 audits focused mainly on: Certificate of competence Animal welfare officer activities Restraining and stunning operations Monitoring the effects of stunning Red meat slaughterhouses: no generalised operational problems detected till now Poultry slaughterhouses: lower electrical parameters are often used 5

Since 1/1/2013: Member States (3) Member States official instructions and business operators codes of good practice Only 14 Member States replied to our query 4 Member States provided extensive check lists 5 Member States provided official instructions or updated them NL and PL are the best good examples provided so far SE has implemented a free online e-learning tool Only DE has approved a 2 codes of good practice 6

Since 1/1/2013: other initiatives EFSA opinions on two applications for new stunning methods/parameters June 2013 EFSA mandate on monitoring procedures at stunning December 2013 EUWelNet guidelines available December 2013 Report on poultry stunning December 2013 Study on information to consumers on stunning April 2014 Report on restraining cattle by inversion December

Conclusion Many new innovations in this regulation Member States work on the implementation but some of them lately More precise picture of the EU situation by the end of 2014 but no major problems identified except poultry stunning parameters Many ongoing works both at Member States and Commission level to improve compliance 8

9 Thank you for your attention!