Renewable energy in West Virginia October 14, 2008
W.Va. Renewable energy: trillion BTU 14.5 TBtu from hydro 1.5 TBtu from wind 4.1 TBtu from direct consumption of wood and biomass: residential, commercial, industrial
Energy Information Administration Electric power industry generation, ,815,804 megawatt hours Coal: 97.5% Petroleum: 0.2% Natural gas: 0.5% Hydroelectric: 1.7% Wind: 0.2%
Energy Information Administration Total: 32,312,000 megawatt hours=34%
PJM Environmental Information Services, Inc. (PJM EIS) owns and administers the GATS. Provides environmental and emissions attributes reporting and tracking services to its subscribers in support of renewable portfolio standards and other information disclosure requirements. GATS tracks generation attributes and the ownership of the attributes as they are traded or used to meet government standards. Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS)
Water, wood, wind, waste coal, tire-derived fuels N.J., Md., Pa., D.C mw W.Va. plants in GATS
Total W.Va. capacity: 16,607mw W.Va. uses 1/3 in-state: ~5,000 mw W.Va. capacity in other states’ RPS: 991.5mw=18 percent of W.Va. energy needs W.Va. renewable energy
Energy Information Administration W.Va. renewable energy opportunities Biomass: Electric generation, pellet fuel, CTL, cellulosic ethanol Landfill gas: EPA has identified 10 possible sites – no more than 25mw of total generation Wind: 3,780 MW of potential commercial wind resources on private lands Hydroelectric Solar Poultry litter: 160,000 tons per year – burning for electric generation would avoid water contamination Coal fines and waste: Potential to produce 4.2 million MWH. Three plants in operation
HOUSE HEATING FUEL Utility gas351, Bottled, tank, or LP gas41, Electricity236, Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.49, Coal or coke8, Wood43, Solar energy Other fuel3, No fuel used1, U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Census No.%
Wind: 230mw Hydro: 264mw Total: 16,607 megawatts 3%
FPL Backbone Mountain: 66mw Ned Power/Shell Wind/Dominion: 264mw Mount Storm Wind Force: 150mw Invenergy – Beech Ridge: 186mw AES – Laurel Mountain: 125mw Total: 791mw Current and announced wind projects
Tygart Dam: 20mw R.D. Bailey Project: 7.8mw Sutton: 12mw Jennings Randolph: 10.5mw Robert C. Byrd: 48mw Opekiska Lock and Dam (Mon River): 10mw Hildebrand Lock and Dam (Mon River): 10mw Morgantown Lock and Dam (Mon River): 9mw Total: 127.3mw Preliminary licensed hydro FERC
Wind: 791mw Hydro: 613mw* *Licensed+unbuilt+underway+outside FERC Total: 17,517 megawatts Including announced wind, potential hydro 8 %
Renewable energy in West Virginia October 14, 2008