COUNTRY:Czech Republic
Map of Europe Showing Czech Republic
Map of Czech Republic (Main Cities, Rivers)
Flag & National Anthem Of Czech Republic
Population Of Czech Republic OVERALL10, 201, 707 CAPITAL CITY1, 378, 700 POPULATION OF OTHER MAIN CITIES BRNO= 376, 400 OSTRAVA= 317, 700 CURRENCYKoruna Euro HOW MANY MOBILE PHONES12.15 Million
Ethnicity (Race) Czech Republic MAIN ETHNIC GROUPSCzech 90.4%, Moravian 3.7%, Slovak 1.9%, Other 4% MAIN RELIGIONSRoman Catholic 27%, Protestant 2%, Unaffiliated 59% (2001)
Economic Activities INDUSTRYMetallurgy, Machinery, Equipment, Motor Vehicles, Glass, Armaments. AGRICULTUREWheat, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, Hops, Fruit; Pigs, Poultry.
Metallurgy, Machinery and equipment, Motor vehicles, Glass, Armaments. Wheat, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, Hops, Fruit; Pigs, Poultry.
Brief History About the 5 th Century A.D., Slavic tribes from the Vistula Basin settled in the region of Bohemia; Moravia, and silesia. A union of the Czech lands and Slovakia was proclaimed in Prague on November 14 th, 1918, and the Czech nation became one of the two component parts of the newly formed Czechoslovakian state.
Peter is from Czech Republic and plays soccer in England in the Premiere League. He is Chelsea’s number 1 goalkeeper. He is one of the top keeper’s around today. There is a picture of Peter Czech and the Chelsea team in the next slide.
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