GROUP 1 - OUTBREAK By: Vanessa, Yulia, Kimberly, and Adrianna
Learning Objectives Be able to pinpoint methods of disease transmission. Understand how immunizing a population can prevent the spread of a contagious disease. Better conceptualize cases of epidemics
Outbreak Activity Question #1: How can viruses be transmitted from one person to another? Question #2: What precautions can we take to prevent spreading and/or contracting a virus. What kind of vaccinations have you received?
Activity Ground Rules We will be playing 6 one minute rounds. In each will be different, but in each round there will be at least one virus carrier. During the course of the round, the virus carrier will try to inflect their disease on as many people as they can. Virus carriers are the taggers, and the non inflected should roam about the room.
Round One 1 virus carrier, and they are the only one that can pass on the disease.
Round 2 Begins with one virus carrier, however the first three inflicted by this carrier will also be able to inflict other people with the disease.
Exploration What differences do you see between round 1 and 2? What kind of graph would you expect to have when plotting the number of inflicted versus time between round 1 and 2? Which round better simulated an epidemic out break? What factors should take into account when dealing with disease prevention?
Round 3 Repeat round 2 The first three tagged, still becomes a virus carrier and can spread disease 20% inoculation
Round 4 Repeat round 3 40% inoculation
Round 5 Repeat round 4 60% inoculation
Round 6 Repeat round 5 80% inoculation
Exploration What are the benefits of immunizing a population? Why do you think the rules of the game allowed vaccinated people to pass on the virus? In order to have herd immunity, why do we have to have a high percentage of the people immunized?
Reflective Activity What changes would you make to the round simulations to portray a more realistic outbreak? What segments of the simulation, did you feel, best represented being in an epidemic? What can you conclude about the different levels of immunization and how it can impede the spread of an epidemic? What did you take away from today’s discussion and what connections can you make to other core topics. Note: Please choose to answer at least 1 question from the first three questions and then answer the last question.