Starter – What forms & from who, did opposition arise? First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist. Then they.


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Presentation transcript:

Starter – What forms & from who, did opposition arise? First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

Opposition & War Can describe and explain how war changed the lives of workers, peasants women, young people, levels of persecution, nature of propaganda, general morale and levels of opposition in Nazi Germany (D-C).... Can evaluate the significance and impact of the 'Total War' Speech on morale and life in Nazi Germany (B), Can assess and evaluate levels of continued support for the Nazis in the latter stages of the War (A)

Opposition Recap Open up the table that you completed last lesson. With your SB. Use opposition.html PPTs if you want to be extra sneaky. opposition.html Create a ‘Find for the Fiction’ to be played with another group about the Opposition Groups One incorrect answer and two correct.

Find the Fiction Dietrich Bonhoffer Bonhoffer was against the Nazis from 1933 pointing out that they were anti-Christian. Bonhoffer attempted a political coup in 1942 along with his brother Klaus. Bonhoffer’s college was closed down in 1939 by the Gestapo and they banned him from breaching.

Opposition Recap Prepare to answer the following question. Why was there so little DIRECT opposition from the Germans? Stand and Share

Total War PLvsS9mRi0sXZUV5- cpbExkKJDMEEFUmyn&index=29 PLvsS9mRi0sXZUV5- cpbExkKJDMEEFUmyn&index=29

Total War Use the PPT embedded herehere Key Question - how did war change life in Nazi Germany? Then Stand and Share.

Total War Read pages of AQA book & PPT and create a bubbl mind map include the following as branches: Early War: morale, rationing, Workers, Women, Youth Later War Total War - events 41-42, Total War Speech, Workers, Women, Youth, mass bombing and morale.

Answers Explain why the Nazi regime declared ‘Total War’ in early With your SB – use the MS and ER & your knowledge to create the perfect answer to this question – Post answers in the year 12 blog.