Hepatitis web study H EPATITIS W EB S TUDY Hepatitis A: Epidemiology Presentation Prepared by: David Spach, MD and Nina Kim, MD Last Updated: May 31, 2011
Hepatitis web study Hepatitis web study Incidence Data HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY
Hepatitis web study Acute Hepatitis A: 2011 Case Definition HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY Clinical Case Definition An acute illness with: (a) discrete onset of symptoms and (b) jaundice, dark urine, or elevated ALT levels (ALT > 200 IU/L) Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis Immunoglobulin (IgM) antibody to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) positive Case Classification Confirmed: meets the clinical case definition and is laboratory confirmed
Hepatitis web study Source: CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis. Statistics and Surveillance. Incidence of Hepatitis A in U.S., HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY
Hepatitis web study Source: CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis. Statistics and Surveillance. Incidence of Hepatitis A in U.S., HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY
Hepatitis web study Source: CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis. Statistics and Surveillance. Incidence of Hepatitis A in U.S., HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY
Hepatitis web study Source: CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis. Statistics and Surveillance. Impact of Hepatitis A Vaccine on Estimated Total New Hepatitis A Infections in U.S., HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY 1996: ACIP Recommends for High-Risk Groups 2006: ACIP Recommends Universal Childhood Immunization 1999: ACIP Expands Recommendations 1995 HAV Vaccine Licensed
Hepatitis web study Source: ACIP. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006;55(RR-7):1-23. Reported Hepatitis A, by Age Group and Year, United States, HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY † ACIP = Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices
Hepatitis web study Source: ACIP. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006;55(RR-7):1-23. Rate* of Hepatitis A, by County in United States, and 2004 HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY *Rate per 100,000 population National Notifiable Disease System
Hepatitis web study Source: Klevens RM, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2010;170: Emerging Infections Program, Hepatitis Surveillance Sites, Potential Source of Infection or Risk Factor for Hepatitis A in US HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY IDU = Injection drug use MSM: men who have sex with men
Hepatitis web study Source: CDC. Hepatitis Surveillance Report No. 59;2004. Reported Risk Factors for Hepatitis A Virus Infection HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY Percentage of Risk Factors Among Patients with Acute Hepatitis A Infection
Hepatitis web study Source: ACIP. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006;55(RR-7):1-23. Prevalence of Antibody to Hepatitis A Virus, by Country, 2006 HEPATITIS A : EPIDEMIOLOGY