Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Rotary Community Corps (RCC)
Brief History of RCC RI Officially adopted the RCC program in 1988 RCC was envisioned as an organization of community members who wish to improve the places where they live or work Until 1999 RCCs were referred to as Rotary Village Corps or Rotary Community Service Corps More than 275 corps were chartered in bringing membership to more than 6,200 corps in 73 countries and geographical area
What is RCC ? -A group of non-Rotarian Men and women who share Rotarians’ commitment to service and creating a better world for us all, under the guidance of a Rotary Club
Responsibilities of RCC Members Put their own skills to work to improve quality of live in their community Learn to be self sufficient Enable long term economic development Provide long term solutions to problems that they can implement themselves
Goals of RCC To encourage individuals to take responsibility for the improvement of their village, neighborhood or community To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations To mobilize self –help activities and collective work to improve the quality of life To encourage the development of human potential to its fullest, within the context of the local culture and community
Assets of RCC Greatest asset- Flexibility RCC can be rural or urban Comprise of an entire village or community Smaller group within the community
Promoting RCC in Your Club Ask Rotary club President to appoint RCC committee Have committee members gather resource materials for Rotarians and potential RCC members Discuss program idea with the district RCC chair Research the activities of community groups with similar programs Have committee familiarize itself with the guidelines for RCC Make a motivational presentation to your club on the merits and methods of the program Invite the RCC District RCC Chair or a Rotarian from club already sponsoring a RCC Hand out RCC brochures to club members
SAMPLE PROJECTS OF RCC CLUBS RCC Hochar,India – village wide vaccination of 1,500 cattle during an outbreak of a fatal disease in the area Turin, Italy- organized a home school project for 100 long term patients at the local hospital.
Steps for sponsoring an RCC Form an RCC committee Research similar community programs and identify resources Establish strong Rotarian interest to ensure RCC success Recruit prospective RCC members and arrange an informal meeting Hold organizational meetings to address issues such as community needs, funding, the role of the Rotary club and RCC policies, constitution, and by-laws Charter the RCC Develop a mission statement and set realistic goals Provide ongoing support and periodic evaluations
Outline your club’s role in sponsoring an RCC Sponsoring Rotary clubs plays a unique role by drawing on the assets of club membership Gain a consensus among members for a sustained commitment to sponsor an RCC- without it RCC will have difficulty achieving success Discuss with club members the idea of forming an RCC to find out who is interested and would be able to participate in supporting the RCC
Plan a Community Meeting Meet with prospective corps members Discuss what RCC is all about Ask group to elect an RCC Representative