Accreditation of Independent entities under JI - Status of JISC work Georg B ø rsting UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation, 9-10 March 2006
Accredited Independent Entities | Key functions Determination (validation) of project PDD => JI project Make PDD publicly available through the secretariat. Receive comments from Parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited observers. Determine whether requirements under the JI guidelines are fulfilled. Make determination publicly available through the secretariat with explanation of reasons, incl. summary of comments received and how due account has been taken. Determination (verification) of emission reductions => issuance of ERUs Receive report from project participants in accordance with the monitoring plan and determine GHG reductions by sources and removals by sinks (monitored and calculated according to the monitoring plan) Make determination publicly available through the secretariat, explanation of reasons
Accreditation | JISC main responsibilities JI guidelines: JISC is responsible for the accreditation of independent entities (JI guidelines, para 3b) JISC is responsible for review of standards and procedures for the accreditation of independent entities in Appendix A of JI guidelines (JI guidelines) COP/MOP 1 decision: JISC is to further elaborate, as a priority, standards and procedures for the accreditation of IEs, consistent with Appendix A of the JI guidelines, taking into account the CDM accreditation procedures Accredit IEs in accordance with standards and procedures contained in Appendix A of the JI guidelines
Elaboration of standards and procedures for the accreditation of IEs Discussion at JISC 1 Agreement on draft at JISC 2 Adoption of elaborated standards and procedures at JISC 4 Institutional set-up Option paper at JISC 2, discussion and agreement on decision on when decision on institutional set-up will be taken Accreditation of IEs Work programme| Accreditation system
Accreditation under CDM and JI | Main Differences Differences in the JI accreditation process: Consistency with JI Guidelines and standards for IEs (appendix A) Functions and competency requirements by IEs Designation of IEs not required under COP/MOP DOEs acting provisionally as AIEs: DOEs acting provisionally as AIEs until JISC approved accreditation procedures DOEs applying for accreditation may continue to act provisionally as AIEs until final accreditation decision Determination and relevant activities undertaken only valid after accreditation of IE is finalised
JI Accreditation | Status of discussion Institutional set-up: JI accreditation panel and assessment teams JI Accreditation Panel and Assessment Teams Accreditation procedure Sectoral scopes / phasing of accreditation Accredit according to sectoral scopes Accredit according to functions
JI Accreditation Procedure| Main steps Reports conclusions/ prepares recommendation Accredits Reports Sets up Main elements of assessment: 1. Desk review 2. On-site assessment 3. Witnessing of performance of tasks [ Spot-checks] JISC JI-AT Independent Entity Secretariat supports implementation of the procedure JI - AP