TOPICS COVERED What is Accreditation? Why do it? Eligibility Steps to become accredited Summary of October 2012 Bylaw Changes Ongoing requirements once accredited Frequently asked questions
WHAT IS ACCREDITATION? Voluntary Third-party, un-biased, review and assessment of many aspects of a school’s operations
WHY APPLY FOR ACCREDITATION Opportunity for external validation More credibility Marketing edge Ability to apply for StudentAid BC DesignationStudentAid BC Designation Ability to apply for Education Quality Assurance designationEducation Quality Assurance
ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR ACCREDITATION? To apply for accreditation, schools must be: ▫ Operating and in good standing for one year ▫ Training continuously for the past year ▫ Having sufficient students and graduates to enable assessment ▫ Financially sound ▫ Meeting all PCTIA registration requirements
STEPS TO PCTIA ACCREDITATION 1.Read through materials in this presentation. 2.Download and review the Institutional Accreditation Report. Institutional Accreditation Report 3.Sign up for the in-person workshop. 4.Complete draft Institutional Accreditation Report and attend the in-person Accreditation Workshop.
STEPS TO PCTIA ACCREDITATION 5.After completion of workshop, submit completed Accreditation Application Form and fee within 6 months.fee 6.Host a site visit by a PCTIA staff member. 7.After a successful site visit, submit your Institutional Accreditation Report for review.
STEPS TO PCTIA ACCREDITATION 8.Host Accreditation Audit Team site visit. 9.Review draft Accreditation Audit Team report. 10.Respond to Team Report. 11.Registrar’s Decision.
ROLES OF THE AGENCY, SCHOOL AND TEAM PCTIA Sets standards Facilitates process Makes final decision The School Self-assessment, determines standards are met before visit Demonstrates standards met using report and during visit The Team Validates standards met Reports to Registrar
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 1.Mission Statement ▫ Clearly articulated, appropriate for career-training institution ▫ Commitment to providing quality education ▫ Easily understood ▫ Includes specific goals which are measureable, attainable, realistic and timely
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 2.Administrative Capacity ▫ Policies and procedures in place ▫ Instructional oversight by a qualified Senior Educational Administrator ▫ Administration allows for quality delivery of programs
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 3.Facilities & Institutional Resources ▫ Resources allocated to achieve quality outcomes ▫ Health & safety a priority 4.Instructors/Facilitators ▫ Qualifications, experience allow for quality delivery of programs ▫ Performance reviews focus on outcomes and quality delivery
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 5.Academic Policies & Student Services ▫ Students receive effective information & guidance ▫ Programs have appropriate entry criteria ▫ Assessment of learning outcomes is accurate, fair, timely and consistent ▫ Grade appeal policy is effective ▫ Credit transfer and/or prior learning policies are effective (if applicable) ▫ Dispute resolution policy is fair and effective
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 6.Program Advisory Committee(s) (PAC) ▫ Independent ▫ One for each program or program area ▫ Three members in attendance ▫ Represent employment community or program area ▫ Annual meeting covers items required in Bylaws ▫ Evidence that PAC suggestions are considered ▫ Distance education representative on PAC if necessary
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS OF QUALITY 7.Program Delivery ▫ Educationally sound, effective process for development, approval and review of programs ▫ Feedback sought from stakeholders (students, grads, PAC’s, instructors, employers) ▫ Effective, sound, appropriate teaching practices ▫ Delivery done by 3 rd parties meets PCTIA standards ▫ Effective, integrated practicum placements (if applicable)
16 October 2012 Bylaw Changes New Bylaws available for download at Effective date: October 1, 2012 Other resources on PCTIA website Discussion group Bylaw Changes Comparison Grid Q&A document
October 2012 Bylaw Changes Electronic student records permitted Satellite locations – after continuous 24 months must be registered as a branch Instructor Diploma Requirements Must be held by the Senior Educational Administrator Transition deadline - October 1,
October 2012 Bylaw Changes Archiving Student Files Archiving deadline with an approved third party vendor is extended from 30 days to 60 days Feedback on Student Progress Meaningful, written feedback prior to completion of 30% of the program Credential Must provide transcript and credential (Diploma or Certificate) for career training programs 18
October 2012 Bylaw Changes Instructor Qualifications Clarified: Degree, Diploma or Certificate in the field of study and 24 months full time experience in the field or 10 years of full time experience in lieu of a formal credential in the field of study 19
October 2012 Bylaw Changes Student Contracts Appendices A and B no longer required Minor wording amendments Institutions will need to update and submit their student contract templates 20
October 2012 Bylaw Changes Corporate Training – no longer regulated Refund Policy Changes Financial Statements Significant changes to reporting requirements Transition date (first statements under new format to be submitted March 2013) Fees have changed 21
Quality Standard: Continuous Improvement Framework Tracking student outcomes PAC requirements (simplified) Tracking process for improvements Gather/Evaluate/Act on outcomes data October 2012 Bylaw Changes
ONGOING REQUIREMENTS Continuous compliance with Basic Education Standards Continuous compliance with Accreditation standards of quality Annual compliance visits by PCTIA staff 5-year review cycle Annual enrolment report includes employment statistics for grads Accreditation certificate posted Report on outcome measures Report changes to PCTIA
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ▫ How much does accreditation cost? How much does accreditation cost ▫ Is there a minimum number of auditors? Is there a minimum number of auditors ▫ Does the school pay for the PCTIA representative on an accreditation audit? Does the school pay for the PCTIA representative on an accreditation audit ▫ Are there any additional expenses charged to the school? Are there any additional expenses charged to the school ▫ Does the accreditation flat fee include meals on-site too? Does the accreditation flat fee include meals on-site too ▫ How long does accreditation take? How long does accreditation take
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ▫ When are accreditation audit fees due? When are accreditation audit fees due? ▫ How many days does an audit take? How many days does an audit take? ▫ Who are the auditors? Can someone from one school audit another school? Who are the auditors? Can someone from one school audit another school? ▫ What happens if the school can’t demonstrate that all of the standards of quality are met? What happens if the school can’t demonstrate that all of the standards of quality are met ▫ What happens if you disagree with the team’s assessment? What happens if you disagree with the team’s assessment ▫ Is SABC or EQA designation automatic once you are accredited? Is SABC or EQA designation automatic once you are accredited