What is U.M.A.P.?
The United Methodist Association of Preschools
Building Excellence… Hand in Hand….
Where we started… The United Methodist Association of Preschools was founded in 1983 to connect, support and accredit preschools in United Methodist churches in the Florida Annual Conference.
Who we are now… UMAP is now a national Gold Seal accrediting organization, able to accredit high quality Christian programs. UMAP Gold Seal
UMAP Accreditation can help you and your school affirm it’s quality standards and become eligible for the Florida Voluntary Pre-K program.
More then 3 million children are cared for in church preschools each year!
UMAP can help you connect with other programs like yours and other professionals like you, for professional training, spiritual growth, and fellowship.
Sharing information, problems, and solutions means stronger programs for everyone – and the very highest quality of care for ALL of God’s children!
You can become a UMAP individual member for $25. 00 per year You can become a UMAP individual member for $25.00 per year. This meets the requirement for CDAs that you must be a member of a national early childhood organization!
What are UMAP’s Standards like? The Accreditation Standards that UMAP has adopted are not that different from those required by NAEYC….. BUT…………
We include the Christian component in our standards, helping you to define your place in the ministry to the children you serve.
You DO NOT need to be at a United Methodist Church to be accredited by UMAP. You DO need to be a Christian preschool program ministering to children infants through age five. You DO need to hold a state license for your program.
What do UMAP’s Standards include? Our standards evaluate the following areas: Staff Qualifications Staff need to be practicing Christians Meet educational qualifications, including college degree or CDA for lead teachers. Be loving caregivers, sharing Jesus’ love with the children in their care
A Statement of school philosophy An examination of the relationship between the church and the preschool, looking at issues such as sharing space, fitting in to the church’s mission statement, communication between pastor & school and involvement with church activities.
Appropriate health and safety requirements, including liability and school accident insurance. Documented parent-teacher conferencing
Low ratios Curriculum Standards for children include: 4-5 year olds 1 to 10 3 year olds 1 to 8 2 year olds 1 to 6 Toddlers 1 to 5 Infants 1 to 4
Developmentally appropriate curriculum for all ages, including: Balance between active & quiet activities Age appropriate Christian education, worship and celebration
Reading readiness activities in the following areas: Visual development Visual motor activities Tactile development Linguistic development
Math Readiness At the appropriate age: Learned with hands-on manipulatives Counting – rote and one-on-one Sorting, classifying Ordering positioning Sets & groups Measuring Recognizing quantity & size Indentifying numerals
Physical Development Gross Motor activities Fine Motor activities Body awareness Five Senses
Music Variety of experiences in music Rhythmic activities Opportunities for singing Musical games Listening & responding
Science & Discovery Living things The earth The universe Experiences with magnets, magnification, energy Seasons, weather God’s amazing creation
Art Opportunities to use a variety of materials Easels and a variety of paints Scissors, paper, crayons, chalk, paste, glue Clay, playdough “Found” objects Children’s art displayed at their height Children experience, enjoy, express and their own creativity Coloring sheets and “dittos” are NOT appropriate Emphasize process, not product!!
Health Nutrition & Safety Food & nutrition Safety education Exercise, rest & cleanliness Positive self esteem Concepts about human relationships
Social Development Opportunities to establish routine of physical habits, work habits, discipline, guidance, etc. individually and in a group. Opportunities to develop social values, sharing, group acceptance, independence, dependability, following through, cooperation, etc. Opportunities and encouragement to develop interactive communication skills with peers and adults
Why choose UMAP National Gold Seal Accreditation? UMAP Gold Seal demonstrates commitment to excellence Gold Seal is a marketing tool to use with parents Accreditation procedure raises staff morale and commitment UMAP has a faith based component built into each age level curriculum UMAP has been accrediting centers for over 20 years!
What other benefits are there? Your school will be listed with the State as a Gold Seal Accredited program. If you accept subsidized children, Gold Seal can qualify you for higher rates. UMAP Newsletters, discount rates at our annual Conference, voting rights and support. You will be eligible for VPK
How do I become accredited by UMAP? Become a general member of UMAP by sending application and $50.00 annual dues Send for your copy of the accreditation packet, including UMAP Standards. The cost for the packet is $100.00. Implement the Standards at your center. Complete all forms, including self-studies for director and staff, and parent questionnaires.
A validator will contact you to set up a date to visit your center. Send validation fee (based on number of enrolled students) and request a validation visit. Validation fees (renewable every three years) are: 1 – 60 children $300.00 61 – 120 children $500.00 121 and more children $600.00 A validator will contact you to set up a date to visit your center. The validator will meet with the director, visit classrooms, meet with the pastor, if possible, and validate your paperwork.
The validator will send your application and other paperwork to the Accreditation Committee. The committee and the UMAP Board will meet four times per year and confirm National UMAP Gold Seal certification. Celebrate your UMAP National Gold Seal Accreditation!!