Le français Première Année is easy Learning French is fun is useful
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30% of all English words have a French origin French is based on Latin, as is a large portion of English =>80,000 French words are similar to English words => Learning French is easy for a native English speaker
Have fun with pronunciation There are thousands of French words you will recognise immediately, simply because they are like English words problème pharmacie personne septembre janvier musicien leçon musique Have fun with pronunciation
Many French words have crept into English vocabulary baguette croissant
French is spoken in many many more countries than just France
Learning French is not just about verbs and grammar J’adore les films J’aime jouer au bingo Mon footballeur favori
Une visite à Paris
The French language across the world French is continuing to grow, with 220 million speakers worldwide French is the official language of 32 states French is the 3rd most widely used language on the web (ahead of Spanish) There are 96.2 million French speakers in Africa French is the 2nd most widely spoken mother tongue in the European Union (after German) French is the 2nd most widely spoken foreign language in the European Union (after English) French and English are the only languages spoken as a native language on 5 continents
Le français Première Année is easy Learning French is fun is useful