Development of a National Adult Achievement Award Focus Group Thursday 28 August 2014 Newbattle Abbey College
National Developments in Adult Learning 2 National Adult Learning Conferences - National Strategic Forum for Adult Learning
Statement of Ambition for Adult Learning in Scotland –produced by National Strategic Forum for Adult Learning –reflects extensive consultation with learners and providers –launched in May core principles re adult learning: should be lifelong should be life-wide should be learner-centred Strategic Priorities for Statement of Ambition –drafted by National Strategic Forum –will lead to an implementation plan –growing momentum behind adult learning
Background to Award SCQF Partnership provided funding for development of credit-rated programmes for adults CLD developing local achievement awards for adults Consultation with CLD Managers Adult Learning Group/Adult Literacies/CLD Standards Council positive response Steering Group established to discuss development of award Newbattle Abbey College asked to become the awarding body Consultant appointed to develop award for submission to SQA for approval by Dec 2014
National Adult Achievement Award context-free content-free complements informal community- based learning will accredit adults for their learning/ skills/experiences portfolio of evidence, based on Dynamic Youth Award model wide range of activities and settings 3 SCQF levels proposed at this stage: 3, 4 and 6 individual/group options award endorsed nationally offers progression to further accredited learning supports Statement of Ambition
Progress to Date schedule agreed for development of award consultant appointed award ‘owned’ by Newbattle Abbey College Education Scotland Conducted survey monkey with interested sectors/agencies 3 Focus Groups arranged to consult providers and learners more fully following consultation, award will be submitted to SQA for approval by December 2014.