PenalNet Secure e-communications in Criminal Law Practice Antonio Ruiz-Giménez de Aguilar, CEO of PenalNet
How was PenalNet born? 2007: PenalNet is presented to Criminal Justice program (DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission). PenalNet: pioneer project in the e-Justice field. PenaNet is a direct contribution to the modernization of the Justice within the EU
Background The implementation of new instruments such as the European Arrest and Evidence Warrants and the close cooperation undertaken by Eurojust and Europol make it necessary for lawyers to coordinate their efforts in providing cross-border defense and assessment to European citizens. PenalNet aims to improve proficient professional relationships between lawyers through secure e- communications, but how…?
What is PenalNet? PenalNet is the first European e- network for fluent, secure and inviolable e-communications among criminal lawyers. PenalNet aims to improve professional relationships between lawyers through secure, cooperative and protective e-communications It is aligned with the European e- Justice Strategy framework.
Objectives To establish a network of cooperation between European lawyers involved in cross-border criminal cases in order to strengthen criminal justice. To speed up and guarantee the security of communications between European criminal lawyers in order for them to achieve greater efficiency in their work in accordance with European Union policies. To strengthen mutual confidence and knowledge in order to improve their professional relationships. To ensure better defence through enhanced protection of European citizens’ fundamental rights. Furthermore, PenalNet aspires to promote a culture of secure communications and close cooperation at the European level.
Why to become a member To join the first private community of criminal lawyers at the European Union. To easily locate foreign accredited colleagues, experienced in the field of criminal Law. To communicate and collaborate safely online. To accredit your lawyer identity online and protect your online communications.
European partners involved PenalNet is being developed by a team formed by the Councils and Bars of five EU member states: France, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain. Every country will contribute with 300 lawyers acting as pilot testers until the end of In the long term, PenalNet aims to be a permanent service provided for every EU qualified lawyer. PenalNet countries
State of PenalNet & Implementation Lawyers in PenalNet at the end of the first selection: 500 aprox. (1/3 of the total foreseen) 2 nd selection of lawyers: from September 2009 Lawyers trainings are starting now in the five countries PenalNet cards (certificate + European lawyer card): will be given to lawyers in the training sessions.
How does PenalNet operate To access PenalNet, lawyers need a recognized digital certificate, issued in accordance with CCBE standards and provided by their National Bar. The CCBE European Professional Identity Card allows its owner to identify himself physically as a lawyer in other European Countries as well as in front of the European Courts. National Bar should certify that lawyers applying to a digital certificate currently practice the legal profession and consequently issue a digital certificate. They will also provide them with a card reader and a CD for the installation of the necessary electronic signature software.
What can I do with PenalNet? There are three main usages of the platform A)Directory: Locate professional colleagues who practice in their country or in any of the countries involved in PenalNet: contact information, professional and academic experience are provided. PenalNet has an intelligent search tool to allow advanced search. B)Secure thanks to the electronic signature, the lawyer can establish encrypted communications with any professional colleague, always including the time stamp provided by the platform. Lawyers can send highly confidential information because autenticity and authorship is guaranteed by the platform, which provides immediate confirmation of the reading of the messages. C)Public zone: Legal information, news, etc.
Why is it a secure tool? The four pillars of secure Communications are confidentiality, integrity, non repudiation at origin and non repudiation of receipt. Confidenciality: digital certificates are due to access PenalNet, since it is the only way to accredit their professional identity online. Identity is guaranteed by the National Bar, which should verify the lawyer condition before issuing the certificate Integrity: using electronic signature provides an indisputable identity of the message senders and receivers. Messages within the platform are encrypted, therefore content cannot be altered or modified. Non repudiation: unquestionable authorship assures that senders cannot disown messages. PenalNet provides confirmation of the sending, receipt and reading of the message, notified by SMS and/or by .
Expected results To become a useful and safe tool for international practising lawyers. To incorporate other European Bars & Law Societies. To set the pace for future e- communications between the legal profession in Europe. To become the first contribution of EU lawyers for a single space of E- Justice and create a benchmark for development of future projects.
Achievements up to today PenalNet guarantees the improvement of the European strategy on e-Justice, which pretends to use the Information Society tools in the field of the justice. PenalNet has solidly contributed to the establishment of a priority for e-Justice projects in this field. PenalNet is based on electronic signature providing secure identification and authenticity of the documents, two of the priorities of the European Commission in e-Justice. E-signature should be considered at European level as a cornerstone for the interoperability between the Administration of Justice, the legal professionals and the citizens. PenalNet offers legal technological expertise to the EU Institutions and European legal profession. It should therefore be linked to the e-Justice portal and to other public and private initiatives, projects and websites in the field of e- Justice. PenalNet, as a service for EU lawyers, has to be a component of the e-Justice website that is being developed by the European Commission.
Information about PenalNet Check our web site: Management Press Office General Information