Teaching Math Online: Sharing Session Mary Beth Orrange Trish Lanz
Topics from MathViaDistance 1.Assessment Verification (again) New Federal guidelines for student authentication 2.Faculty Evaluation in Online courses 3.Community of learners: Communication / collaboration / discussion 4.Process Development: How do we know they understand?
Assessment Verification (again) New Federal guidelines for student authentication. New Distance Education Requirements of the Higher Education Act of 2008 requires Immediate Implementation
New Distance Education Requirements of the Higher Education Act of 2008 Require Immediate Implementation The legislation requires accrediting agencies that accredit institutions offering distance education “to have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit”
Assessment Verification Discussion suggestions Orientation – Id & signature; match signature for proctored tests Require school ID; not just driver license Have the student provide proctor information Put leg work on the student, proctor info and then the instructor verifies Test center has agreement with other schools – may be charges Librarians can be good proctors Google spread sheet to keep track of proctors
Assessment Verification Discussion Suggestions Have AMATYC survey about best practices in online courses. Include the following: Testing Testing centers Proctored tests
Faculty Evaluation in Online Courses Discussion suggestions Contract language evaluated using same instrument as seated – items generic Use SNAP survey ult_checkbox.aspx?a= ult_checkbox.aspx?a= No administrative access to course but administrators given student rights.
Faculty Evaluation in Online Courses Discussion suggestions Online and face to face same evaluations in Blackboard (CMS) Bannerweb information (administrative database) A school in Michigan … committee of peers given guest access to course and evaluate on a sophisticated rubric Muskegon CC – find dl and check it out
Process Development: How do we know they understand? Discussion suggestions Way to check understanding … problem sets for each chapter or topic… drop box, mailed, FAXed How to teach equation editor? Department video First assignment – a simple equation Wiki and students help each other Jing Maria Anderson’s site
Process Development Discussion suggestions Site license for mathtype – – 30 day access for free then reverts to mathtype lite Have students convert all assignments to pdf for submission – reduces the different format problem. Google cutepdfwriter.com for free pdf converter.
Technology Boot Camp August 10 – 14; hosted by Muskegon CC How to teach online with technology 10 seats left Send an for more Advanced version of workshop will be offered Maria does traveling workshops for AMATYC
Contact Information Trish Lanz Professor of Mathematics/Computer Science Erie Community College Buffalo, New York Mary Beth Orrange Professor of Mathematics/Computer Science Erie Community College Buffalo, New York