Data update - workshop April 27 th 2010, Capita FHE annual conference Nick Linford Head of the Pearson Research Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Data update - workshop April 27 th 2010, Capita FHE annual conference Nick Linford Head of the Pearson Research Institute

Data update - workshop (hot) topics > Learner Data Strategy > ILR Success Rate Credibility > QCF data, fundability and rates > The ULN > Completeness > Timeliness > Data standards > The big issues post-election

Outstanding issues going to June IA board Recording spiky profiles (e.g. ESOL) for SFA > Success rate group disagrees with funding period, but is ‘reasonable period’ sufficiently robust? Recording correct key or functional skills for YPLA > Should you know before F02? What do you do if the learning aim is not yet on the LAD > Likely a new field added to 2010/11 ILR so that similar learning aim can be flagged as temporary ILR FAQs posted on IA website

OfQUAL (accredit quals and put on NDAQ) JACQA (15 organisations) & DCFS SSCs, UKCES RDAs, NAS SFA & BIS YPLA Skills Funding Agency Data Service Learning Aim Database Available for funding To set funding rates Tip: This can take 6+ months. Monitor the LAD closely. To determine funding eligibility Adult Consequences of data divide in action : QCF

Tip: Review unique learner number collection processes The unique learner number (ULN) Learner Data Strategy is completely reliant on the ULN In 2009/10 ILR F02: > 587 providers (85%) did not include a single ULN > 524,787 (22%) of learners did not have a ULN New 60 calendar day validation rule for 2010/11 will be built into the learner information suite (LIS). September starts must have ULN by F02, else LIS errors If SFA can afford it, the OLDC will also audit for duplicates

Completeness of data a major headache Data returnQualification Prior attainment unknown Providers failing in-year standard ER ILR W07 Full Level 2 qual 15,2022%10% LR ILR F0258,22119%53% ER ILR W07 Full Level 3 qual 7,5873%11% LR ILR F0258,71812%49% Quicker data returns required for “more dynamic performance management system”. Consultation out on timeliness standards (two month deadline to record a start and three months to record an achievement). Timeliness of data also massive SFA problem

Data standards > Increasingly ‘data standards’ will be referred to, and Data Quality Reports could be sent to the Principal > Likely they will feature in contracts and performance frameworks > How well do you perform against ILR Spec Annex P? > What are the cost implications to colleges of improving data quality, at a time of cuts and ‘efficiencies’? Tip: Contribute to discussions and consultations on feconnect (the information authority is ‘independent’)

Summer College Data Conference Rich Williams and Pete Ashton (IA) – Learner data strategy and success rate credibility Karl Bentley (Tenon) –2010/11 funding audit plans Stuart Vickers (SFA/YPLA) – current and next success rate methodology Major updates John Perks and Ellie Fraizer (DS) – Data quality reports and plans for intervention 17 th June 2010, London. To book visit :

The Learner Data Strategy > KPMG making recommendations > Board met 12 April (during purdah) Key issues: Frequency and potential for real-time? Volume of data (ILR or summary)? Central MIS via Learner Registration Service? Whilst recommendations will be radical, unlikely to be much change for 2011/12

If you believe the Conservatives, maybe very little data will be collected in future…. “Every college Principal I meet tells me they have literally dozens of staff whose job is to collect data for a multiplicity of regulators and funding bodies which is not needed for the good management of the college. Tough times lie ahead. This is where the savings have to be made. I don’t want to read of cuts to courses when there are still lots of administrators collecting data that is not essential to your core mission.” David Willets, Shadow Minister for Universities and Skills, AoC National Conference, November 19 th 2009

Do you believe the Principal, Governors and senior team understand the importance of data credibility? Answers:64 Yes:50% No:45% Don’t know:5% November College Data Conference Answers:121 Yes:58% No:34% Don’t know:8% April College Data Conference

The second instalment! Please do let me know what you think….. Thank you

Questions and discussion