Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Approximately 30% of young people have not achieved a level 2 qualification by age 19 There are presently 8 million adults without a qualification at all Despite much good practice, too much provision is limited and fails to meet the needs of learners leading to any progress or progression tells us that at present……….. Why are we doing this?
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford The FLT what is it? The Foundation Learning Tier pathways are a framework for learning, not a qualification. The key features of the FLT pathways are: 2.Curriculum will be in small bite-sized chunks and must be from qualifications in the Qualifications Credit Framework Foundation Learning Tier catalogue 1.curriculum will include 3 strands: What is required? The reform agenda states that there will be four learning routes one of which, the Foundation Learning Tier, will be an entitlement by personal and social development vocational element functional skills in maths, English and ICT
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford GCSEs D - G A - Levels GCSEs A* - C
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Foundation Diploma Higher Diploma Advanced Diploma Apprenticeships Functional Skills GCSEs A Levels HE Qualifications
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford What will it do? Increase participation, achievement and progression for learners at this level. ☺ nationally recognised accreditation that enables credit accumulation and transfer ☺qualifications which can accredit learning at more than one level ☺coherent learning programmes emphasising the skills that employers demand ☺ personalised programmes enabling a selection of accreditation based on local employment and learning opportunities ☺an emphasis on transferable skills. Learners will benefit from:
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford How will this work in Bradford?
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Providing the right curriculum to meet the needs of entry and level 1 learners at key stage 4 Inappropriate curriculum limits progression Go Live programme Other level 1 courses FLT Pathway to a Foundation Diploma Foundation Diploma FLT Pathway to supported employment / independent living Apprenticeship Higher Diploma FLT Pathways Entry 2 Entry 1 Foundation Diploma FLT Pathway to an Apprenticeship / skilled work Entry 3 Level 1 GCSE route Level 2
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Continue to deliver GCSEs for Entry Level and Level 1 learners Provide FLT Pathways for Entry Level and Level 1 learners Learners feel de-motivated by inappropriate curriculum and failure to achieve. Learners unable to progress. Poor level 2 attainment at 16 and 19. Learners studying at appropriate level in bite-sized chunks. Achievement recognised and rewarded by qualifications and motivates them to progress. Progression to level 2 improved. Attainment at level 2 increases at 19. Organisational Focus. National performance measurement targets discourage schools from embracing FLT pathways. Political pressure through media and local perceptions act as a barrier to change. Demands of the organisation (e.g. staffing) is more important than the curriculum needs of learners Learner focus. Schools recognise commitment made from Promoting Bradford Futures and opportunity to deliver this through FLT progression pathways.. Communication and marketing to all stakeholders. Learner at the heart of provision.
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford What will it look like in Key Stage 4? days a week FLT2 - 3 days a week Core Curriculum “The statutory subjects that all pupils must study are citizenship, English, information and communication technology, mathematics, physical education and science. The teaching of careers education, sex education, work-related learning and religious education is also statutory”. QCA
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Key strategic issues Identify the cohort and address staffing CPD Teacher assessments in Year 9 Marketing and Branding Post – whole organisation approach for further education colleges
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford Fe b 09 M ar 09 Ap ril 09 M ay 09 Ju ne 09 Jul y 09 Au g 09 Se pt 09 Oc t 09 No v 09 De c 09 Ja n 10 Fe b 10 M ar 10 Ap r 10 M ar y 10 Ju ne 10 Jul y 10 Au g 10 Se pt 10 Develop marketing and branding for FLT Awareness raising FLT in schools and colleges and Personal Advisors 2524 Take report to Confed mgt groups Take report to Confed curriculum groups Circulate QCF catalogue and prospectus to schools and colleges Curriculum deputies to identify Sept 09 Y9 cohort of potential Level 1 / Entry (FLT) Curriculum deputies to design curriculum for FLT pathways and develop workforce Dev. diagnostic tool for Y 9 to enable effect. initial assess. and ongoing review Year 9 assessment Awareness raising of FLT offer to students and parents Tasters of FLT curriculum to students to help them make choices IAG sessions with Personal Advisors and teachers Year 9 select appropriate curriculum for year 10 and develop personalised plans Timetabling completed to take account the needs of FLT curriculum
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford What next? Action planning – using the planning tool –Promoting the vision –Planning –Designing the pathways –Delivering effective teaching and learning –Developing processes –Quality assurance Feedback on progress to Confederation Executive by end of summer term
Developing the Foundation Learning Tier in Bradford How to keep up-to-date……….. Newsletter We will be bringing out a monthly newsletter from March onwards, which will bring stakeholders up-to-date on policy developments as new guidance becomes available. Links Documents DCSF (2008) Delivery Reform: Next Steps Summary LSC (August 2008) Prospectus for Progression Pathways – Draft Working Version for 2008/09: LSIS (2008) Getting started – A guide for colleges and providers preparing for implementation, LSN LSIS (2008) Quick Guides to progression pathways QCA (September 2008) Qualifications Strategy for the foundation learning tier QCA (February 2nd 2009) FLT Progression Pathways Qualifications Catalogue