SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION PROJECT Scotland’s Colleges response to the UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development
Objective and Targets To enable Scotland’s Colleges to deliver the knowledge, understanding, skills and values for its learners, communities and partners to live sustainable lives Clarify – bringing initiatives together. Co-operation/collaboration – regularly bringing people together to share experiences. Communities of practice – provide support to practitioners throughout the sector. Creativity – find and support new opportunities Celebrate – acknowledge and celebrate the work already taking place
Project Partners The SFEU Project will seek to realise these Objectives and Targets within the Scottish College Sector by working together with: Scottish Funding Council Scottish Qualifications Authority Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges Other strategic partners e.g. Sustainable Development Education Policy Network
A phased approach to implementation Formative Phase: consult widely with stakeholders to identify sector needs; identify gaps in provision; identify and assimilate good practice. Development Phase: Draw up an Action Plan for the duration of the project Implementation Phase: Respond to sector needs: staff development; resource materials, Action Programme, etc. Evaluation Phase: measure our effectiveness, develop KPI’s; benchmark the sector; report back.
Action Plan Develop and pilot KPI’s Initiate a an Action Programme in Scotland’s Colleges Survey of ESD delivery Case Studies Develop resources – teaching materials Provide CPD for Teaching Staff
Action Programme Devise a mutually agreed PDA Unit Education for Sustainable Development (Plan / Deliver / Evaluate) ↓ Pilot the unit in Scotland’s Colleges using the Subject Networks (12 pilots in 12 subject areas) ↓ Accredit those individuals undertaking the pilot with the PDA Unit if they meet the assessment criteria ↓ Use the assessment evidence generated as assessment exemplars for that curriculum area – post on subject networks ↓ Encourage those individuals or teams undertaking the pilot to write up their experiences as best practice case studies.
SFEU Subject Networks Business Administration Care Computing and Information Technology Construction Creative and Performing Arts Engineering English and Communication Hairdressing Hospitality Land, Environment and Science Mathematics and Numeracy Modern Languages and ESOL Social Sciences Sports and Recreation
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