Leçon 10 Pages 150-159. So far, we have learned how to conjugate 2 irregular verbs: Je suisNous sommes Tu esVous êtes Il/ Elle est Ils/Elles sont Être.


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Presentation transcript:

Leçon 10 Pages

So far, we have learned how to conjugate 2 irregular verbs: Je suisNous sommes Tu esVous êtes Il/ Elle est Ils/Elles sont Être – to be Je faisNous faisons Tu faisVous faites Il/ elle fait Ils/Elles font faire = to do OR to make Lets learn another IRREGULAR Verb! remember, these verbs do not follow a pattern, you just have to memorize them…

JNous TuVous Il Elle Ils/Elles ai as a avez ont avons avoir = to have NOTES

This should look a little familiar. Remember: Jai quinze ans. (I am 15 years old.)* Jai faim. (I am hungry.)* Tu as soif? (You are thirsty?)* Quel âge a ton père? (How old is your dad)* *Note that in English we say I am 15 years old. In French and Spanish, speakers would say I have 15 years or I have hunger.

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 5 minutes. (pg 152 in book) 2. Il a un baladeur. 1.Tu as une raquette. 3. Jai une télé. 4. Vous avez un portable. 5. Nous avons un baladeur. 6. Vous avez un ordinateur. 7. Elles ont une raquette. 8. Ils ont un ordinateur.

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 5 minutes. (pg 152 in book) 2. Marc is thristy. 1.She is 22 years old 3. I have a cell phone. 4. You have a brother. 5. You (or yall) have a dog. 6. We are hungry. Translate the following sentences from French to English. Remember good translating… 1.Elle a vingt-deux ans. 2.Marc a soif. 3.Jai un portable. 4.Tu as un frère. 5.Vous avez un chien. 6.Nous avon faim!

Some grammar: NOUN: a word that is a person, place, thing or idea (HINT: if you can put the word MY in front of it, it is a noun) In French, nouns have a gender. They are either masculine or feminine. You might remember this when we learned café vocabulary: Un sandwich une pizza Un café une limonade

More about nouns: Nouns that designate a male are almost always masculine. Un garçon un ami Nouns that designate a female are almost always feminine. Une fille une amie EXCEPTIONS: –une personne is always feminine even if you are referring to a male. –Un proffesseur is always masculine even if you are referring to a female. Nouns that designate animals, objects and things – there is no way to determine - you must memorize if they are masculine or feminine. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE REST OF FRENCH GRAMMAR – so learn it as you go.

Articles In French, nouns are introduced by articles that match their gender (masc/fem). Some examples of articles are: –indefinite article: A in English (a cat, a mouse, a boat, a girl) Un or une in French (un chat, une fille) –Definite article (more specific): The in English (the cat, the mouse, the boat, the girl) Le, la, l in French (le chat, la fille, lheure) –L is for both masculine and feminine nouns that start with a vowel

More simply: NOTES A boy a girl the boy the girl

Vocabulary review: A cell phone The radio The car A pen A pencil The guitar The poster Un portable La radio La voiture Un stylo Un crayon La guitare Laffiche

Pronouns: NOTES Nouns can be replaced with pronouns( he, she, it, they, etc...). The boy pets the dog. He The car does not work well. It In French, the gender of the pronoun must match the gender of the noun. if referring to a masculine object It = Il if referring to a feminine object It = Elle Le garçon caresse le chien. Il La voiture ne marche pas bien. Elle The pen is blue. It Le stylo est bleu. Il

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 8 minutes. (pg 154 in book) 2. Il sur la table. 1.Il est sur la table. 3. Elle est sur la table. 4. Elle est sous la table. 5. Elle est sous la table 6. Il est sous la table. 7. Elle est sous la table. 8. Elle east sous la table. On your paper, write where each object is located BUT DO NOT use the items name; use a pronoun for it instead. Example: Baladeur (remember it is un baladeur) You would write: 1. Il est sur la table.

So far we have learned how to talk about ONE of an object Now, well learn how to use plurals – or MORE THAN ONE of an object… The book A book Le livre Un livre

Lets make some observations Things we noticed: There is an s added to the end of the nouns (livre livres AND fille filles) Hmmm. This is just like in English. BOTH le and la become les when plural (talking about more than one). I wonder about l ? Laffiche les affiches

NOTES for plural THE: Le les La les L les -- Add and s to the end of the object, too! NOTES

Vocabulary review: Les portables Les radios Les voitures Les stylos Les crayons Les guitares Les affiche Le portable La radio La voiture le stylo Le crayon La guitare Laffiche

Things we noticed: There is an s added to the end of the nouns (sac sacs AND copine copines) Hmmm. This is just like in English. (and just like le AND la) BOTH un and une become des when plural (talking about more than one). I wonder what des translates as in English Des is like saying some in English Lets make some observations Voici des sacs. = Here are some bags.

NOTES for plural A: un des une des des means some in English -- Add and s to the end of the object, too! NOTES

Be C a R e F u L !!! Do not pronounce the s at the end of –Les –Des –Or the object (filles ) UNLESS…. The object begins with a vowel, then we have the liason where the s sounds like a z. Vowels = a, e, i, o, u, h

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 5 minutes. (pg 155 in book)

It couldnt be that easy… right? Unfotunately, you are right. There are some RULE BREAKERS (exceptions)


Out loud, as a class, lets practice using negation. (pg 156 in book) 2. Non, je nai pas de moto. 1.Non, je nai pas de raquette. 3. Non, je nai pas de mobylette. 4. Non, je nai pas de clarinette. 5. Non, je nai pas de jeux vidéo. 6. Non, je nai pas daffiches. 7. Non, je n;ai pas de boa. 8. Non, je nai pas dalligator. 9. Non, je nai pas de hamsters. 10. Non, je nai pas de portable.

A few random notes: NOTES