United Nations Climate Change Strategies UNFCCC Adopted in1992, Came into effect on March 21, state parties Spirit of the Convention: States parties to undertake common but differentiated responsibilities “cost effective” and “lowest cost” to control climate change and promote sustainable economic development
United Nations Climate Change Strategies Kyoto Protocol Adopted in 1997, Came into effect on Feb. 16, state parties Objective: Global atmospheric CO 2 concentration to be stabilized at 550ppm by emission of Annex 1 countries to be returned to less than 5.2% of the emissions in 1990
GHG emission status – 2008/2009 CountryEmission (Mtons)Annual growth rate % Emission per person (Mtons) Annual growth rate % Year Global29,38128, China USA Japan Korea Taiwan Sri LankaCO 2 -e in 1990 was approximately 50 Mtons
United Nations Climate Change Strategies The Mechanisms (Flexible) under the Kyoto Protocol o Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to implement an emission-reduction project in developing countries. o Joint Implementation (JI): a country with an emission reduction or limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B party) to earn emission reduction units (ERUs) from an emission-reduction or emission removal project in Annex B Party. o Emissions Trading (ETS): Parties with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Parties) have accepted targets for limiting or reducing emissions
Purpose of GHG Accreditation and Validation/Verification Accreditation Third party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal recognition of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks (ISO 17011) Verification for organizational inventory Systematic, independent and documented process for the evaluation of a greenhouse gas assertion against agreed verification criteria (ISO ) Validation for GHG reduction project Systematic, independent and documented process for the evaluation of a greenhouse gas assertion in a GHG project plan against agreed validation criteria (ISO ) Verification for GHG reduction project Systematic, independent and documented process for the evaluation of a greenhouse gas assertion in a GHG project monitoring report against agreed verification criteria (ISO )
ScopeInternational Standards ProductISO Carbon footprint of products – Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication PeopleISO 14066: 2011 Greenhouse gases – Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams V/V body ISO 14065: 2013 Greenhouse gases –Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation and other forms of recognition Organiz ation ISO : 2006 Greenhouse gases – Part 1 : Specification with guidance at the organizational level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals ProjectsISO : 2006 Greenhouse gases – Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements V/V body ISO : 2006 Greenhouse gases – Part 2 : Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions
Industries that are significant in managing GHG: Organizational level : Power generation and distribution, petroleum refinery, chemical engineering, fabricated metal products manufacturing, non-metallic material product manufacturing, agricultural and animal husbandry, fishing, forestry, water treatment, waste treatment and disposal Project level: Energy generation (renewable & nonrenewable), chemical manufacturing, transport, construction, metal production, fugitive emissions, solvents, waste handling and disposal, agriculture, afforestation and reforestation
Linking GHG Standards ISO 14065/ ISO 14066/ ISO / MD 6 GHG Verification Body (ISO ) GHG Validation/ Verification Body (ISO ) CFP Verification Body (ISO ) Product CFP (ISO 14067) Organizational Inventory (ISO ) Project based (ISO ) Accreditation Validation/Verification
SLAB EnMS/GHG Accreditation Schemes SLAB Min. of Env. CBs/V/VBs Organization/Project Apply Supervise Recognize/ Accredit/Verify/validate
16 ISO/IEC IAF MD & GD Accreditation body Certification body Manufacturer ISO Guides on “systems” Consumer and market ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISO/IEC IAF MD & GD
21/05/ ISO/IEC IAF/PAC GD Accreditation body Verification body Organization (ISO ) Project (ISO ) (product/service/process) Manufacturer Specification on product ISO Guide on product Consumer and market ISO ISO ISO IAF/PAC MD6
18 Certificatio n body Inspection body Testing Laboratory Consumers/ Users+ National Governments + Regions + WTO Requirements Standards & Tech.reg Producers/ Suppliers Products/ Services The Market Conformity assessment Demand for accreditation Accreditation Demand for conformity assessment Mutual Recognition Demand for Intl. recognition
ISO/IEC MD 6 Energy management system certification body (ISO Organization Accreditation Certification IAF/PAC Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (under discussion)
ISO 14065/ ISO 14066/ ISO / MD 6 GHG Verification Body (ISO ) GHG Validation/ Verification Body (ISO ) CFP Verification Body (ISO ) Product CFP (ISO 14067) Organizational Inventory (ISO ) Project based (ISO ) Accreditation Validation/Verification IAF/PAC Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (already developed)
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