Review of Health Informatics Services Workshop with HI Professional Development Board 18 January 2007 Richard Gibbs
Health Informatics review objectives to define and prioritise the requirement for central support services to HI staff in the NHS and social services to assess which bodies are best placed to supply them Set within business objectives CSR DH targets Trust, PCT LA SS business plans Local HI teams
Defining HI staff? MIC but restricted to “specialist staff”? MIC plus “social care” ? 6 categories are diverse ICT Information management Knowledge management HI senior managers & directors of services Clinical informatics Health records Concentrate on IT and IM?
Range of HI services: workforce planning improve capacity and capability recruitment, retention, pay & grading occupational standards professional accreditation and regulation, entry qualifications CPD and training specify, accredit, commission, deliver tools to support specific tasks
Accreditation librarians and coders already have it needed for ICT and IM staff? accountants and economists value for public, employers and staff?
Arguments for: raise status better pay employers recognise value improve standards of HI practice guarantees quality of practice for employers protects public and patients HI staff won’t pay for it restricts movement in to protect incumbents need generic, like CILIP, not health specific employers won’t value it HI too diverse (federal model?) Arguments against:
Current services and service suppliers The IC NHS CfH UKCHIP ASSIST BCS BCS HIF RSS ORS NHS Institute NHS Faculty for HI NHS KSF Professional Skills for Govt Skills for Health Skills for Care SIFA GSS Framework GIT GES GORS Academic bodies supplying training HINOS