Smart signs on the roadmaps of e-learning Dr András Szűcs Secretary General, European Distance and E-Learning Network
Outline EDEN in nutshell Complexity as new reality (Conole) Digital competences UK Open University report on innovating pedagogy The Engineering Education Report
EDEN in nutshell The largest such professional association in Europe UK based, launched th Anniversary in 2011 Active, developing community - Membership in 2010: –195 institutions – universities, national associations, research bodies, companies –1150 individuals –400+ institutions represented from 56 countries Involvement in strategic, innovative EU initiatives 180 institutions as project partners in the past 10 years EDEN conferences: major academic and professional events in Europe; European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning
THE EDEN ROADSIGNS IN THE PAST DECADE Learning and Sustainability Media Inspirations for Learning Learning Without Limits Open and Distance Learning in Europe and Beyond Rethinking International Co-operation New Learning 2.0? Innovation in Learning Communities The Quality Dialogue New Challenges and Partnerships in an Enlarged European Union E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation Lifelong E-Learning New Learning Cultures 4
Complexity is the new reality (Conole) New technologies have a unique set of characteristics: dense interconnectivity, highly dynamic, open, non-linear, extraordinary behavourial diversity and intrinsically unpredictable. Social and participatory media networked, distributed, peer reviewed and open, complex, dynamic and evolving, Your network and who you connect with defines you New approaches to openness – beyond Open Educational Resources Prof. Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester
EU Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Report on digital competences Digital competence: The confident, critical and creative use of ICT to achieve goals related to work, employability, learning, leisure, inclusion and/or participation in society (Ala-Mutka, 2012)
Highlights from the IPTS report... A digital competency framework - Components: –Medium-related skills and knowledge – understanding how to use media. –Communication and collaboration – to effectively express and communicate –Information management –Meaningful participation – to find and participate in digital activities –Intercultural and collaborative attitude –Critical attitude – to critically reflect on the quality of things found on the net –Creative attitude – to adopt creative practices –Responsible attitude – to be aware of the consequences of digital activities. –Autonomous attitude – to be clear of your objectives and find right tools to meet them
Innovating Pedagogy 2012: Report from Open University, UK The report proposes 10 innovations in pedagogy: Innovative ways of teaching and learning with next-generation e-books Publisher-led short courses - commercial courses for leisure and professional development Assessment for learning, Assessment that supports the learning process through diagnostic feedback Badges to accredit learning, Open framework for gaining recognition of skills and achievements MOOCs, Massive open online courses Rebirth of academic publishing, New forms of open scholarly publishing Seamless learning, Connecting learning across settings, technologies and activities Learning analytics, Data-driven analysis of learning activities and environments Personal inquiry learning, Learning through collaborative inquiry and active investigation Rhizomatic learning, Knowledge constructed by self-aware communities adapting to environmental conditions
„Rhizomatic learning” Proliferating informal and non-formal learning contexts, situations, with the help of ICT Practice of learning which is diversifying spontaneously without co-ordination, Nodes, able to grow independently, no center, no boundaries (cf. blogs, wikis) Strength and weakness at the same time: the content and competence is legitimated by the networked co-operation. A botanical metaphor, offering flexible conception of knowledge for the information age: the rhizome. A rhizomatic plant has no center and no defined boundary; rather, it is made up of a number of semi-independent nodes, each of which is capable of growing and spreading on its own, bounded only by the limits of its habitat. rhizome
EDEN FELLOWS DAY O’REILLY HALL, DUBLIN, IRELAND June 21st, YEARS OF EDEN Professional Development, Networking and Integration from a Strategic perspective
Which were in the past 5 years the most unexpected developments? Emerging technologies: Social Media; Open Educational Resources Open Educational Practices; Mobile Learning; Personal and Open Learning Environments
Which were in the past 5 years the most unexpected developments? All developments were predictable and in fact were predicted, although not by all. Even so, resistance to educational innovation persists. Developments are substantially slower than foreseen because the inertia of educational A new critical factor that will mark the coming decade will be the financial constraints and their impact on learner support, curriculum and the relationship between them.
Advise on relevant themes to researchers, PhD students Social inclusion and transformation Role of state and scale educational interventions Democratization of learning Change management and organizational development Financial models of education Sustainability, scaling & transferability of projects/initiative Learner’s motivation, emotions, attitudes, values, social & societal context Multilevel perspectives: learning individuals, learning groups & communities, learning societies and their interactions Digital identity, legacy & heritage TO DO: Reinforce communities of serious peer assessment processes Strengthen quality-scheme based, trusted educational resources
The way ahead...
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