STANDARDS GENERATING BODY Key deliverables Develop, maintain and report on Occupational Qualifications sub-Framework for the mining and minerals sector; Register and report on constituent members of Technical Reference Groups (TRGs)/ Communities of Expert Practice (CEPs) in the mining and minerals sector; To ensure that the Sector has the relevant Qualifications and Unit standards written and registered on the NQF; To develop, register and maintain learning programmes inclusive of learnerships, apprenticeships and skills programme; Coordinate, monitor and ratify learning material development and maintenance.
FUNDAMENTAL ELECTIVE ELECTIVE/SPECIALISATION: A selection of additional credits from which a choice can be made by a Learner to ensure they achieve specific or specialist purposes. CORE The compulsory learning outcomes that: ensure the general purposes of the qualification are met, and must be achieved by all Learners who wish to receive the qualification FUNDAMENTAL – those outcomes that: form the grounding for learning; must be achieved by Learners at a particular level in order to make it possible for them to meet the learning demands of the particular qualification, and form the basis for learning generally. Key outcomes in language, communications and mathematical literacy would fit into this category CORE Components of a Qualification
7 - SGB sends to OF6 for deliberation and approval. 2 -TRGs send to Validation Committee who validates. Disputes referred to SQCG. 1 -TRG Identify, design and develop Qualifications, Skills Programmes and their associated Unit Standards. OF OF 6 SAQA M&MS SGB OF GEN MAN SGB E SGB H&S SGB SGB X TRG 20TRG 6TRG 4TRG X SQCGVALCOM OF X 8 - SAQA approves, gazette and register on The NQF 6 - Standards are secured from other SGBs through inter SGB relationship. 5 -SGB refers back to TRG if necessary. 4 -Valcom/SQCG sends to SGB for -deliberation and approval. -Cross functional reporting 3 - SQCG refers back to TRG if necessary PROCESS OF STANDARDS GENERATION
ETQA EDUCATION TRAINING QUALITY ASSURANCE (ETQA) Accredit constituent providers and grant programme approval to non-constituent providers for specific standards and qualifications; Audit, monitor and report on performance of accredited constituent providers and programme approved non- constituent providers; Audit and verify learner achievements at providers sites to maintain the integrity of learner credits achieved; Evaluate and report on assessment and moderation amongst constituent providers and programme approved non-constituent providers Register assessors and moderators for specific standards and/or qualification Report on certification systems for learners and accredited providers
EDUCATION TRAINING QUALITY ASSURANCE (ETQA) Proposed changes to the NQF landscape Following the NQF Review process that started in 2001, changes aimed at enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of the National Qualifications Framework are taking place. NQF Bill Higher Education Amendment General Education and Training Amendment Bill SDA Amendment
ETQA KEY DELIVERABLES Maintain the Quality of Standards, Qualification and Learning Provision in the Mining and Minerals Sector Conduct External Moderation maintain a data-base Accreditation or Programme Approval of Training Providers Registration of Assessors and Moderators Certification of constituent learners
ACCREDITATION/PROGRAMME APPROVAL OF PROVIDERS Accreditation? "accreditation" means the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act; Programme Approval? It is applicable to providers who have received accreditation from their primary ETQA and require scope extension to include programmes which are quality assured by an ETQA.
ACCREDITATION/ PROGRAMME APPROVAL OF PROVIDERS Accreditation requirements: Four Pillars for accreditation The implementation of a quality management system (QMS) The existence of learning delivery system, which will meet the outcomes and the registration of ETD Practitioners The registration of assessors and management of assessment system, appeal processes and reporting processes The establishment of an internal moderation system to compliment the assessment process
ACCREDITATION/ PROGRAMME APPROVAL OF PROVIDERS Accreditation requirements: Legal Entity Levy payer to the MQA Scope should fall within the Mining Sector Financially Viable
REGISTRATION OF ASSESSOR AND MODERATORS Registration Requirements: Subject Matter Expert Competent as an assessor/moderator Minimum of 2 years working experience in the field applying to assess/moderate Must have the necessary interpersonal, communication, planning and administration skills
CERTIFICATION OF CONSTITUENT LEARNERS Issuing of Qualification, learnerships and apprenticeships certificates Issuing of Statement of attainments for Skills Programmes
ATP MQA SAQA National Learner Record Database MANTAINING A DATABASE