THE MEPA TECHNOLOGY Background Overview & Processes
SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, the participants are expected to: Explain the major milestone of MEPA in Region XII; Discuss the basic principles of MEPA Technology; Familiarize the proposed SIP Guide along with the Continuous Improvement (CI) Framework; Discuss MEPA process from school to Regional Office vis-à-vis institutionalization of Integrated Regional MEPA; and Develop deeper understanding on how essential MEPA technology in the full implementation of strategic plans vis-à-vis accelerating access, quality and governance.
What needs to be improved? ACTIVITY Directions: Assess how you conduct Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) in your respective District/Secondary Clusters and School by completing the template below: What went well? What went wrong? What needs to be improved?
ANALYSIS What are the prevailing observations on the things that went well? 2. What are the prevailing observations on the things that did not go well? 3. What generally are the aspects that need to be improved?
M&E BEFORE & AFTER INSTITUTING MEPA TECHNOLOGY Focused more on quantitative which can’t capture barriers and bottlenecks of PPA implementation Not much segmentation done leading to one-size fits all interventions Under utilization of M&E results for decision-making purposes AFTER Focused on in-depth quantitative & qualitative analysis of KPIs Using MEPA tools and techniques (Dashboard, Segmentation, S-Curve) for data analysis & interpretation leading to strategic intervention Optimization of M&E results for decision-making to ascertain realization of set objectives.
PRIME MILESTONES AS RESULTS OF USING MEPA TECHNOLOGY Improvement of project management on IP & Muslim Educ. among the PRIME Recipient divisions: Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat & South Cotabato Extended the RMEPA to other 6 divisions capacitating them on MEPA Technology – skills in using dashboard, segmentation, MSC, presentation techniques, etc. Increased understanding of educational issues and innovativeness in formulating strategic interventions among key stakeholders
PRIME MILESTONES AS RESULTS OF USING MEPA TECHNOLOGY Developed/Enhanced Major Policies & TA vis-à-vis accelerating access, quality & governance Institutionalization of MEPA Technology extending it from PRIME to all 15 PPAs REDP Launching & Social Marketing
TA & MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/ DEVELOPED THROUGH MEPA 2nd Q-RMEPA 2013 Focus: Access - Enrolment 3rd Q-RMEPA 2013 Focus: Access – Drop-out Rate 4th Q-RMEPA 2013 Focus: All KPIs 1st Q-RMEPA 2014 Focus: Completion & Quality
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTED / MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/DEVELOPED DURING 2ND Q-RMEPA 2013: ACCESS - ENROLMENT Issues / Opportunities Discussed Technical Assistance / Policies acted by RO Policy Directions Forwarded to Central Office Establishment of Integrated Schools especially in the IP dominated areas in the region vis-a-vis Moratorium on the opening of IS Regional Office quality assured the accuracy and validity of the information forwarded and conducted schools ocular inspection RO indorsed to the Central Office for approval. Secured Exemption and Approval of CO for the Opening of IS Low number of test takers in the PEPT, considering that this region has high number of over-aged learners and enrollees RO issued policy Reinforcement to Intensify Advocacy Program of SDOs to encourage learners to take the exam Encouraged SDOs to have partnership with CSOs for massive information dissemination advocacy and opportunity for sponsorship of the registration
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTED / MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/DEVELOPED DURING 2ND Q-RMEPA 2013: ACCESS - ENROLMENT Issues / Opportunities Discussed Technical Assistance / Policies acted by RO Policy Directions Forwarded to Central Office Transparency on School MOOE utilization RO issued policy on Establishing Transparency Board to all SDOs and all schools - Region Memo 143, series 2013 RO strengthened monitoring by integrating compliance of transparency board in all PPAs On establishing continuous better learning environment in the schools RO reinforced policy on Implementing Guidance on Revitalizing Classroom Structuring cum Child-Friendly School System - Region Memo 245, series 2013 Conduct schools action research to further investigate increase and decrease of KPIs RO issued 4th Regional Research cum School-Based Management Congress and 1st Communication Festival (ComFest) – Region Memo 297, series 2014 with focus on sharing educational action researches geared towards strategically accelerating access, quality and governance of basic education
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTED / MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/DEVELOPED DURING 3RD Q-RMEPA 2013: ACCESS – DROP-OUT RATE Issues / Opportunities Discussed Technical Assistance / Policies acted by RO Policy Directions Forwarded to Central Office Lack of tracking mechanism and progress monitoring system for special programs and projects TA on M&E to improve strategies, system and approaches in program implementation Policy to provide M&E Tools or information system for the 15 PAPs progress implementation SBM grants on the provision for IMs vis-à-vis DepEd Order 44, series 2013 Moratorium of Purchase of Instructional Materials In collaboration with SDOs jointly encouraged LGUs to provide support fund to schools to avail Text2Teach project. TA on TXT2TEACH Teachers Training and Stakeholders Orientation for Cotabato Province and Sultan Kudarat Recipient Schools - Region Memorandum No. 254, s. 2013 Policy of SBM grants on the provision for IMs shall be converted as leverage fund to avail Text2Teach project. Lack of operational mechanism for established school dormitories for schools having far distance between home and school TA on the processes of employing Alternative Delivery Modes Policy on Sheltering and Home-based Approach Program for divisions having problem on distance between home and school.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTED / MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/DEVELOPED DURING 4TH Q-RMEPA 2013: ALL KPI’s Issues / Opportunities Discussed Technical Assistance / Policies acted by RO Policy Directions Forwarded to Central Office Over-lapping schedule of activities RO issued policy on the creation of UNIFIED CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES CUM PLANS FOR FY 2015 – Region Memo 114, series 2013 Hiring of non-licensed locally-paid teacher contributory to decreasing MPS of NAT result RO issued Moratorium for Hiring Locally-paid Teachers – Region Memo 210, series 013 Issues on graduation ceremonies and opening of classes RO strengthened advocacy program using tri-media (print, air time program thru Radyo Bombo – DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN: Abanse and Dose, and on-line –
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTED / MAJOR POLICIES ENHANCED/DEVELOPED DURING 1ST Q-RMEPA 2014: COMPLETION & QUALITY Issues / Opportunities Discussed Technical Assistance / Policies acted by RO Policy Directions Forwarded to Central Office Equity of teacher deployment RO reinforced the Redeployment of Excess Teachers from Elementary and Secondary Schools – Region Memo 147, s. 2014 RO issued Adoptive Measures in Filling-up Vacant Teaching Positions to Institutionalize Equity of Teacher Deployment – Region Memo 151, s. 2014 Adoptive measures in addressing classroom shortages RO issued policy on “No Faculty Room for Secondary Teachers” Region Memo 155, series 2014 Institutionalize multi-level M&E mechanisms to ensure progress marker of department PPAs to key performance indicators RO issued Region Memo No. ___ s. 2014: Integrated Regional MEPA Operational Framework to strengthen M&E in the schools, districts, divisions and region.
INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF MEPA AT ALL LEVELS & UNITS Phase I: Immersion of 6 Non-PRIME Divisions in RMEPA Phase II: Capacity Building of Senior Managers, EPS, PSDS, SHs (833 – UNICEF) Phase III: Institutionalization of DepEd XII Integrated Regional MEPA Operational Framework
IMPACT OF MEPA IN PLANNING & DECISION-MAKING MEPA results are used for plan adjustment particularly on 15 PPAs to improve project/fund management. 4th Quarterly RMEPA is focused on analyzing all KPIs in preparation for Planning and Budgeting. MEPA results are optimized to enhance/develop Major Policies and/or provide Technical Assistance to SDOs. MEPA is utilized as unifying mechanism at all levels and units to improve access, quality and governance.
SBM CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Leadership & Governance Curriculum & Learning (K to 12) VMG Self-managing & Self-renewing Accredit Assess Functionally Literate Citizen Evaluate Plan Monitor Structure Implement LEARNING COMMUNITY Resource Management Accountability & Continuous Improvement BESRA THRUSTS NCBTS, ECE, ALS, ETC CENTRAL,REGION, DIVISION A Child and Community-centered Education Systems
M&E in SBM: Accountability & Continuous Improvement A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains. 1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective body/ies are clearly defined and agreed upon by community stakeholders. There is an active party that initiates clarification of the roles and responsibilities in education delivery. (1) The stakeholders are engaged in clarifying and defining their specific roles and responsibilities. (2) Shared and participatory processes are used in determining roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of stakeholders in managing and supporting education. (3) A Child and Community-centered Education Systems
Monitoring & Evaluation
Absence of M&E results to:
Absence of M&E results to:
MEPA OBJECTIVES Identify major bottlenecks in the delivery of basic education services that prevents DepEd from “getting all school age to school, keep them in school, and ensuring all children who are in school to acquire quality learning;” Agree on scope of technical assistance the RO will provide to DOs that are related to improving access, quality and governance; Customize policies and programs on increasing access, quality and governance that will respond to the unique issues and concerns affecting different divisions within the region; and Formulate a set of policy recommendations and/or adjustments to existing policies, programs or strategies and systems supporting increase of access, quality and governance
4. CO MEPA 2. DMEPA 3. RMEPA 1. SMEPA School KPIs PIR of AIP Operational Concerns
Performance & Drop-out AR & CR Actual Enrolment Performance & Drop-out All KPIs
MAJOR TRAINING OUTPUT Enhancement of Session Guides for the Regional Roll-out to PSDS & SHs Finalization of Schedule of SDO Trainers for 2 Batches Contextualization of MEPA Operational Framework per SDO Interfacing of Regional TA Teams with their respective baby SDO
MEPA MECHANICS I. In-depth Analysis of KPIs In-depth Analysis of KPIs - Access: 2nd & 3rd Quarter; Quality: 1st Quarter; Access & Quality: 4th Quarter) Implementation Status of the 15 PPAs Agenda affecting program design, policy standard, system and TA needed II. Discussion/Interpellation Lead Discussant as Facilitator Interpellation by: PPA Holders(DMEPA/RMEPA); SPT (SMEPA) III. Synthesis Highlighting TA needs to be addressed Policy Directions flagged IV. Next Steps & Agreement (Plan Adjustment)
The SMEPA Meeting Objectives: SCHOOL MEPA (1 Day) Discussion of KPI & AIP Implementation Objectives: To enable the SCHOOL to immediately respond issues and concerns affecting the effectiveness of programs and efficiency of programs delivery Immediate feedback on efficacy and weaknesses of program implementation at school level vis-à-vis AIP implementation Respond to technical and training needs of teachers Identify enhancements to education policies and guidelines
The DMEPA Meeting Objectives: SMEPA Meeting DIVISION MEPA (2 Days) Presentation & Discussion of KPI & AIP Implementation Objectives: To enable the DIVISION OFFICE to immediately respond issues and concerns affecting the effectiveness of programs and efficiency of programs delivery Immediate feedback on efficacy and weaknesses of program implementation at school level vis-à-vis AIP implementation Respond to technical and training needs of teachers Identify enhancements to education policies and guidelines
The RMEPA Meeting Objectives: SMEPA Meeting REGIONAL MEPA (2 Days) Presentation & Discussion of KPI & AIP Implementation Objectives: To enable the REGIONAL OFFICE to immediately respond issues and concerns affecting the effectiveness of programs and efficiency of programs delivery Immediate feedback on efficacy and weaknesses of program implementation at school level vis-à-vis AIP implementation Respond to technical and training needs of teachers Identify enhancements to education policies and guidelines
DASHBOARD: QUALITY (1st Quarter) Focus on DepEd’s KPIs on QUALITY: NAT, CR, SReA, EGRA, Phil IRI, NCAE Review on the bottlenecks of all PPAs vis-à-vis “PRODUCING CHILDREN WITH QUALITY LEARNING” Leading review to a more systematic and systemic analysis of DepEd policies on quality
DASHBOARD: ACCESS (2nd Quarter) Focus on DepEd’s KPI on ACCESS: - SMEPA: Enrolment Rate (Community Mapping), Attendance - DMEPA: Enrolment Rate, Enrolment Pattern - RMEPA: Participation Rate, GER, Enrolment Pattern Review on the bottlenecks of all PPAs vis-à-vis “KEEPING ALL CHILDREN IN SCHOOL” Leading review to a more systematic and systemic analysis of DepEd policies on access - enrolment
DASHBOARD: ACCESS (3rd Quarter) Focus on DepEd’s KPI on ACCESS: - SMEPA: Drop-out Rate (Absolute number) - DMEPA: School Leavers (Absolute number) - RMEPA: Cohort Survival Rate, School Leavers Review on the bottlenecks of all PPAs vis-à-vis “KEEPING ALL CHILDREN IN SCHOOL” Leading review to a more systematic and systemic analysis of DepEd policies on access – CSR & SLR
DASHBOARD: ALL KPIs (4th Quarter) Focus on all DepEd’s KPIs on ACCESS & QUALITY: - SMEPA: Enrolment, Drop-out, NAT - DMEPA: Enrolment, School Leavers (Absolute no.) - RMEPA: NAT, PR, GER, CSR, SLR Review on the bottlenecks of all PPAs vis-à-vis “KEEPING ALL CHILDREN IN SCHOOL & PRODUCING WITH QUALITY LEARNING” Leading review to a more systematic and systemic analysis of DepEd policies on quality & access.
The MEPA STRATEGIC MODEL SMEPA Monthly Review: End of Month Duration: One day Focus on Operational Concerns (OC) based on Themes & AIP Review OC will be inputs to District Report by PSDS Participants: SQMT (SPT, SGC, BLGU) DMEPA Quarterly Review: End of the 3rd month of every Quarter Duration: 1-2 days (1st day: PSDS; 2nd day: Division M&E Team) Focus on Major PPAs vis-a-vis Themes thru PSDS Report of Schools' OC Participants: Division QMT Team, Program Coordinators, PSDS Outputs: Agenda on Technical Assistance (TA) & Policy Directions (PD) as inputs to RMEPA RMEPA Quarterly Review: 1st week of the following month of the next Quarter Duaration: 2 days (1st day: SDOs; 2nd day: Region M&E Team Focus on Major PPAs vis-a-vis Themes Participants: Division/Region QMT Teams, Regional Program Coordinators Outputs: Agenda on Technical Assistance TA & Policy Directions (PD) as inputs to CO-MEPA
Continuous Improvement [approved by usec lino] SIP Guide + CI Process Guide in developing and implementing School Improvement Plan (SIP) SIP Guide (July 2014) Continuous Improvement (14 Aug 2014) Combined (as of 19 August 2014) [approved by usec lino] Phase I: Preparatory Activities Phase II: Planning Workshop Session 1: Opening, Levelling Off, and Perspective Setting Session 2: Situational Analysis of Children and Learners Session 3: Situational Analysis: The Community Session 4: Situational Analysis: The School Session 5: Setting Objectives and Targets Session 6: Formulating Strategies Session 7: Action Planning Session 8: Closing the Workshop Phase III: Post-Workshop Activities Writing the SIP Other Post-workshop activities ASSESS Mobilize School Planning Team -- Understanding your school measures and performance Talk with learners and other stakeholders - Data Gathering Walk the process - Map the process, Detail the Steps and Support Systems Identify priority improvement areas Set strategic objectives and targets ANALYZE Do root cause analysis Develop solutions Finalize improvement plan ACT Organize Implementing Team Test the solution Roll out solution Check progress Organize and Mobilize School-Community Planning Team Voice of the learner Voice of other Stakeholders Analyze the Situation: Children and Learner School Community PLAN Set Strategic Objectives and Targets Finalize Improvement Plan Organize Project Teams to implement solutions Develop detailed Action Plan Implement solution Check progress (Assess and start process again)
REGIONAL TA TEAMS SDO REGIONAL PERSONNEL Sarangani Agney Taruc & Johnny Sumugat GSC Dr. Napoleon Gio & Kathrine Lotilla Koronadal City Gilda Orendain & Shirley Saur South Cot. Dr. Glenn Bisnar & Walid Abdullah Tacurong City Joelita Aguilar & Gerrardo Magno Sultan Kudarat Josenette Braña & Luz Lalli Ferrer Kidapawan City Magdaleno Duhilag, Jr. & Rogelio Radaza Cotabato Prov. Dr. Shirley Bulosan, Gilbert Barrera, Regan Dagadas Cotabato City Norman Valeroso & Suzanne Berba
OUTCOME INDICATORS 1. All schools to be upgraded in the SBM Level of Practice: Level 1 (50%); Level 2 (40%); Level 3 (10%) by 2019. Level % No. of Schools Elem. Level: 1,712 SBM Level 1 50% 856 SBM Level 2 40% 685 SBM Level 3 10% 171 Secondary Level: 456 228 182 46
OUTCOME INDICATORS 2. All schools have realigned their SIP with new template and established Continuous Improvement (CI) Framework vis-à-vis SMEPA. 3. SDO through District/SC to close the gaps in terms of addressing operational concerns of schools vis-à-vis implementation of PPAs of schools on access and quality.
MEPA ROLL-OUT SCHEDULE Batch Date Participants Office Batch I: Senior Managers Dec. 8-10, 2014 70 pax: RO – 20 pax: RD, Chiefs, EPS; & SDOs - 45 pax: SDS, ASDS, SGOD Chief/M&E Coord., SBM Coord., DPO; 5 Trainers RO & All 9 SDOs Batch II-A: PSDS & SHs (1 Central & 1 Non-Central School) 15-17, 2014 Cluster A: 114 pax - 38 PSDS & 76 SHs; 5 Trainers North Cotabato, Sarangani & Cotabato City Cluster B: 120 pax - 39 PSDS & 78 SHs; 5 Trainers North Cotabato Batch II-B: PSDS & SHs (1 Central & 1 Non-Central School) 18-20, 2014 GSC, South Cotabato, Kidapawan City Sultan Kudarat, Tacurong City, Koronadal City, Batch III: Secondary Cluster Heads & SHs (1 IU & 1 Non-IU School) 21-23, 2014 Cluster A: 150 pax: 50 SCHs, 50 SHs from IUs, 50 SHs from Non-IUs North Cotabato, GSC, Kidapwan City Cluster B: 150 pax: 50 SCHs, 50 SHs from IUs, 50 SHs from Non-IUs, 5 trainers Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, South Cotabato, Cotabato City, Tacurong City, Koronadal City
APPLICATION How do you plan to institutionalize MEPA in your division: - DMEPA? - SMEPA?
Make a reflection on the statement below: What challenge does it pose? CLINCHER Make a reflection on the statement below: What challenge does it pose?