Background Structuring a profession Clementi (Law Society) and Carsburg (RICS) Recognised best practice Separating the roles of setting standards, regulation and professional representation A structure for the long term
The PSSB Sets standards by which products are developed Sets standards by which qualifications are developed Appoints certification schemes for development, and oversight of the products and qualifications Promotes the products and qualifications developed under its auspices Delivers long term value for surveyors
SAVA/BRE Develop products using the PSSB Standards Develop qualifications using the PSSB standards Train and accredit surveyors Act as the lodgement vehicle for surveys Oversee the quality of surveys lodged and the work of individual surveyors Provide PI Insurance for the benefit of consumers and surveyors
RPSA Acts as the professional body for residential surveyors Promotes the services of members and the products they provide Protects members interests Supports members in the development of their business Networks with other professional bodies
How the PSSB uses its funds Networks and promotes the products and qualifications for which it sets the standards Manages the relationship with RICS Places feature articles in property media (currently booked for Property Drum, the Negotiator and Mortgage Finance Gazette) Works jointly with SAVA and RPSA on promotional activity (such as presenting at NAEA workshops up and down the country, and at four SLC road shows in May and June)
The Roles Any questions?