Verb conjugation, here we come!


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Presentation transcript:

Verb conjugation, here we come! Unite 3: Leçon 6 Pages 82-89 Verb conjugation, here we come!

Subject Pronouns NOTES 2nd person singular 1st person singular Je or J’ = I Tu = you (informal) 2nd person singular 1st person singular

NOTES Subject Pronouns Il = He Elle = she 3rd person singular

Subject Pronouns NOTES 1st person plural 2nd person plural Vous = you (formal) Nous = We 1st person plural Vous = y’all 2nd person plural

Subject Pronouns NOTES 3rd person plural Ils = they (guys) Elles = they (girls only) 3rd person plural Ils = they (mixed group)

What is a PRONOUN? Note that some pronouns are singular: Rule 1. Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence.   Example: ______ did the job. I, you, he, she, it, we, and they all fit into the blank and are, therefore, subject pronouns. Rule 2. Subject pronouns can replace proper nouns in the “subject position”. Karlie smells like roses. She smells like roses. Note that some pronouns are singular: I, you, he, she And some are plural: You (meaning “you all”), we, they

Let’s make a verb chart! Je Nous Tu Vous Il Elle Ils/Elles 1st person 2nd person 3rd person singular plural

The most frequent verb used in English is: “to be” For example: I am American. He is handsome. They are silly. Y’all are smart. Well, guess what…

…être is the most frequent verb used in French. It means “to be”. Par exemple: Je suis américaine. Il est beau. Ils sont bêtes. Vous êtes intellegents. For example: I am American. He is handsome. They are silly. Y’all are smart.

For Singular Pronouns: NOTES For Singular Pronouns: Je suis <zje swee> I am Tu es <to ay> You are (informal) Il est <eel ay> He is She is Elle est <ell ay> You are (formal) Also means “Y’all are”, but we’ll talk about this in a minute… Vous êtes <voo zet>

For Plural Pronouns: NOTES Nous sommes <new some> We are They are (all men or mixed group) Ils sont <eel soh> Elles sont <ell soh> They are (females only) Vous êtes <voo zet> Y’all are Remember, this also means “You are” formal…

NOTES Don’t get confused!!!

Vocabulaire: Où? (Where?) NOTES Vocabulaire: Où? (Where?)

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade. You have 6 minutes On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 6 minutes. (pg 85 in book)

Forming negative sentences: NOTES Forming negative sentences:

Ne + VERB + pas Je suis ici. ne pas I am here. not Find the conjugated verb 2. place a “ne” before the verb 3. place a “pas” after the verb

Ne + VERB + pas Il est en ville. n’ pas He is in town. not Find the conjugated verb 2. place a “n’” before the verb 3. place a “pas” after the verb

X N’ + VERB + pas J’aime écouter la radio. n’ pas This verb ends in –er so it is NOT CONJUGATED! Je aime écouter la radio. n’ pas Find the conjugated verb 2. place a “n’” before a verb with a vowel 3. place a “pas” after the verb

Subject + être + d’accord NOTES Subject + être + d’accord Nous sommes d’accord. We agree.

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade. You have 8 minutes On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 8 minutes. (pg 88 in book)

Making “yes/no questions”, it’s easy! NOTES Making “yes/no questions”, it’s easy! statement Stéphanie est ici. Est-ce que Stéphanie est ici? question statement Tu es français. Est-ce que tu es français? question statement Ils sont au café. Est-ce qu’ ils sont au café? question

NOTES More vocabulary <peuh tet ruh>

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade. You have 5 minutes On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 5 minutes. (pg 87 in book) 1. Jim est américain Est-ce que ?

The last of the vocabulary: NOTES The last of the vocabulary: <ah> <duh> <ay> <ooh> <ahvek> <por> <may>

On your own paper – to turn in for a grade. You have 8 minutes On your own paper – to turn in for a grade! You have 8 minutes. (pg 89 in book) 1. Frédéric n’est pas à la maison. 1. à