GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop March 2013 Dakar, Senegal – The GEF – Overview and Update
History of the GEF World’s largest public funder of projects and programs to benefit the global environment $1 billion pilot program in the WB Initial partners: WB, UNDP, UNEP At the Rio Earth Summit, negotiations started to restructure the GEF out of the WB GEF serves as financial mechanism for: CBD UNFCCC Stockholm Conv. on POPs UNCCD Mercury (NEW) Also, although not linked formally to the Montreal Protocol, the GEF supports its implementation in transition economies. Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured GEF
Institutional Framework GEF Trust Fund GEF Agencies UNDP UNEP WB ADB AfDB EBRD FAO IaDB IFAD UNIDO GEF Secretariat STAP Evaluation Office Projects Countries: GEF OFPs / PFPs Convention FPs Other Gov’t Agencies NGOs / CSOs Private Sector GEF Council Countries: Council Members / Constituencies GEF Assembly Conventions CBD UNFCCC Stockholm (POPs) UNCCD Montreal Protocol Mercury GuidanceOperationsAction GEF Trustee
Implementing Agency – Project Oversight – Ensure quality of preparation – Disburse funds to Executing Agency – Supervise implementation – Be accountable to GEF Council – Keep GEF OFP informed – Help secure committed co-financing Responsibility of GEF Agencies (1 of 2)
Executing Agency – Project Management – Deliver project outcomes – Day-to-day management of funds – Report on results and use of funds Responsibility of GEF Agencies (2 of 2)
Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Land Degradation All countries have individual allocations Minimum allocations: Flexibility for smaller overall allocations ($7 M) System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) (1 of 2) $2M in CC $1.5M in BD $0.5M in LD
Programs without Allocations: International Waters POPs & Sound Chemicals Management Sustainable Forest Management Enabling Activities Cross-cutting capacity development Country Support Programme Regional & Global Projects & Programs Small Grants Programme Private Sector Engagement System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) (2 of 2)
GEF-5 PIFs cleared by CEO awaiting approval (M US$) Allocation Utilized (M US$) ReplenishmentUS$4.25Bn STAR Envelopes (M US$) Country CCBDLDTotal Flexible Burkina Faso No Cape Verde Yes Chad Yes Guinée-Bissau Yes Mali No Mauritania Yes Niger Yes Senegal No The Gambie No GEF-5 STAR Allocations
PIF submitted on a rolling basis 18 months preparation for FSP: Council approval/ CEO Endorsement 12 months preparation for MSP: only if PPG requested PIF approval/project document approval GEF-5 Project Cycle (1 of 4)
Council approval of Work Program - PIFs cleared by the CEO CEO endorsement of project GEF Agency approval of project – Implementation starts Project implementation continues to completion - terminal evaluation and financial closure GEF Project Cycle (2 of 4) For FSPs
Specific Project Cycle Steps MSPs and EAs: Approved by the CEO on a rolling basis Programmatic Approaches: Currently under review GEF Project Cycle (3 of 4)
1.PPG included in PIF template 2.MSP ceiling - $2 million 3.All templates simplified 4.Milestones monitored by GEFSEC 5.Agency fees: 40% at Council approval 60% at CEO endorsement 6.Umbrella projects for EAs approved by Council – No separate endorsement for individual projects. Streamlining Measures GEF Project Cycle (4 of 4)
Harmonization Oct 2012: WB Harmonization Pilot discussion starts with the WB Objective To reduce administrative burden through involvement of GEF’s Program Managers in project design. What has been harmonized 1)No Parallel Process for Decision Making 2)No GEF Review Sheets 3)No GEF-specific Project Templates 4)New business standard: from a 10 to a 5-day response
Other Funds – LDCF, SCCF, NPIF, AF Additional Trust Funds Managed by the GEF Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF) Secretariat Services Provided by the GEF Adaptation Fund (AF)
LDCF Established to address the special needs of LDCs under UNFCCC Only existing Fund mandated to finance the preparation and implementation of NAPAs – 49 NAPAs funded already and 84 LDCF projects approved – LDCF resources now amount to USD 540 M. SCCF Available to all developing countries, parties to UNFCCC Established to support Adaptation and Technology Transfer activities, short and long-term – 41 adaptation projects approved, 6 for technology transfer – SCCF resources now amount to USD 242 M. LDCF & SCCF
A separate trust fund created and managed by the GEF – Established in Feb 2011 – Funds are additional to STAR allocations NPIF Funds projects that: – Provide actual Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) – Promote technology transfer & private sector engagement – Review capacities and needs on ABS with focus on existing policies, laws and regulations
A separate trust fund – Managed by the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) – GEF provides secretariat services – World Bank as trustee – Established in 2007 – Under Kyoto Protocol Resources 2% from monetized CERs Annex-I parties contributions Current Funding Availability: – US$ 123.7M Adaptation Fund (1 of 3)
Adaptation Fund (2 of 3) Governance – AF Board -The AF Board is composed of 16 members and 16 alternates -A majority of members represent developing countries -AFB meets 3x a year, generally in Bonn -2 representatives from each of the 5 UN regional groups -1 representative of the SIDS -1 representative of the LDCs -2 other representatives from Annex I -2 other representatives from non-Annex I
Adaptation Fund (3 of 3) Access Modalities National Implementing Entities (NIE) – Direct Access Regional & Sub-Regional Entities (RIE) Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE) Multilateral Implementing Entities The 50 % cap reached at the 19th Board meeting Pipeline established National / Regional Implementing Entities AF offers Project Formulation Grants
UNFCCC: An operating entity of the financial mechanism – Mission: to support projects with a balanced allocation between CCA and CCM – World Bank as Trustee Head Office: Incheon, South Korea Green Climate Fund (GCF) (1 of 2)
Governance – GCF Board – The GCF Board has 24 members and 24 alternates – Composed of an equal number of developing and developed countries – Including representatives of relevant UN regional groupings and representatives from SIDS and LDCs – With necessary experience and skills, given gender balance – Selected by their respective constituency or UN regional group – 3-years term, eligible to additional terms – 2 co-chairs (one from a developed, another from a developing country) – Two-thirds of Board members needed for a quorum – Decisions by consensus Green Climate Fund (GCF) (2 of 2)
GEF Council May 2011: – Approval of a pilot to accredit up to 10 new institutions to serve as GEF Project Agencies – At least 5 national institutions with size and regional balance – Eligibility: national institutions, regional organizations, CSOs/NGOs, UN specialized agencies and programs, other int’l organizations Broadening the GEF Partnership
GEF-5 Private Sector Strategy: 3 Modalities 1.Establish Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Programs with multilateral development banks (MDBs) to support investments using non-grant instruments 2.Encourage countries to use STAR allocation grants for projects with private sector investments using non-grant instruments $ 30 M available now (very positive) 3.Support SME competitions to facilitate technology transfer and entrepreneurship Public Private Partnerships in GEF-5 (1 of 3)
Under the GEF instrument, a form of concessional finance that has the potential to earn a return (or reflow) Reflows are available to expand the pool of GEF resources available for future investments. Examples: – Contingent Grant – Credit Guarantee or Risk Guarantee Fund – Equity Fund Investments – Concessional Loans – Performance Risk Guarantee – Revolving Fund – Risk Sharing Fund for Loan Provision Non-Grant Instrument Public Private Partnerships in GEF-5 (2 of 3)
The GEF June Work Program included two new PPPs – $20 Million with AfDB for renewable energy loans – $15 Million with IDB for equity investments in clean energy and bio-diversity – UNIDO is coordinating to identify countries that wish to pursue SME competitions as MSPs PPPs – Current Status Public Private Partnerships in GEF-5 (3 of 3)
Start Date The Council requested the Secretariat to begin implementation of the new structure beginning 01 Jan Percentages All projects approved/cleared by CEO will be subject to the new fee policy as follows: 9.5% for GEF project grants up to and including $10 million 9.0% for GEF project grants above $10 million New GEF Fee Policy
Replenishment: process in which donor countries, every 4 years, voluntarily pledge to provide resources to fund the GEF operations. Previous Replenishments GEF-6 Replenishment (1 of 3)
Composition GEF Trustee (Chair) GEF CEO (Co-Chair) Donors: Minimum contribution SDR 4 M Recipients: 4 representatives (representing AFR, Asia/Pacific, ECA, and LAC) CSOs/NGOs: 2 representatives Observers: A) Potential donors B) GEF Agencies C) Conventions GEF-6 Replenishment (2 of 3)
Process: Timetable April 2013 (Paris) Sept (TBD) Nov (Washington) Feb (TBD) Core Documents Documents – Strategic Positioning – Programming – Policy GEF2020 Strategy OPS5 (GEFEO) GEF-6 Replenishment (3 of 3)
Time for Transformational Change – The role of the GEF The GEF is uniquely positioned to support the stewardship of the global environmental commons The GEF must be: a champion of the global commons, an innovator, the partner of choice for environmental benefits, a catalyst in the evolving architecture of environmental finance Principles in Action: Collective leadership and effective communication, Promoting country ownership, Resolute focus on achieving results, a lean and efficient organization CEO Vision Statement
GEF 2020 The global environment is in crisis Transformational change is needed 1)What is the GEF operating context today and what are the trends that should drive its focus? 2)What are the areas/activities that the GEF is in the best position to support? 3)How can the GEF maximize its potential as catalyst for sustainable change at scale? 4)Which actions can the GEF take in the short, medium and long-term to implement the vision? Context A long-term strategy for the GEF Key Questions for the GEF
Website – – Council Member List – Focal Point List – Country Profiles – Country Fact Sheets – Country Support Programme – Documents & Publications Council Documents Work Programs Program Management Bulletin Publications/Videos – Templates – PIF, EAs PMIS – Username and Password – Pre-PIF Tracking Tool – Project Information: Where to find PIFs, PFD, PIRs Social Media – – – GEF Online Resources
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