FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Introduction Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Some things have changed. Some things have not. 2
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24,
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy The need for National Strategic Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 New Orleans, LA 17 th Street Canal, August
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 The Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force was established in 1975 to enhance communication and coordination among Federal agencies in their efforts to reduce the loss of life and property caused by floods, and to protect and restore the natural resources and functions of floodplains 5
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy The Re-established FIFM Task Force Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Co-chaired by FEMA and the USACE 13 Member agencies 2 Advisors 6
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy NFIP Reform Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 GAO findings “The Clips” vocal push back Agreement/Conflict 1.Actuarial rates - reduce losses from policy subsidies and rep loss properties 2.Increase property owner participation 3.Develop accurate maps 4.Effective oversight of insurance operations 1.Affordable insurance rates 2.No mandatory purchase 3.Stop the maps Stakeholders 7
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy NFIP Reform – Today’s Paradigm Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Insurance Flood Insurance Rate Maps Building codes And regulations Incentives Flood grants Community Rating System NFIP The NFIP is a voluntary Federal program enabling property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance against flood losses in exchange for adopting and enforcing regulations that reduce future flood damages. A participating community’s floodplain management regulations, must meet or exceed the NFIP minimum requirements. 8
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy NFIP Reform Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Societal Responsibility Economic Development Environmental Individual Accountability Protecting Citizens Sustainability & Resiliency Equitable Viable Responsible Accountable Affordable Public Policy Context 9
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy National Flood Risk – FEMA’s Role Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24,
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24,
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Components of the NFIP that Buy Down Risk The NFIP is a public safety program implemented at the local level. Risk Analysis (Mapping, Assessment and Planning) Risk Reduction (Floodplain Management, Building Science and Hazard Mitigation grants) Risk Insurance 12
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy FEMA’s Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Through collaboration with State, Local, and Tribal entities, Risk MAP will deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property. Science Based Watershed Approach Comprehensive Lifecycle 13
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy The NFIP and Levees Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24,
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24,
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Levee Misconceptions Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Myth: FEMA’s levee activities are a reaction to Katrina Fact: FEMA knew it had challenges when Map Mod started Myth: FEMA certifies or de-certifies levees Fact: Owners certify and de-certify, FEMA maps flood hazards Myth: Insurance not available behind levees Fact: It’s available anywhere within participating communities Myth: Levees provide absolute protection Fact: Levees provided varying levels of protection, nothing is absolute Myth: FEMA’s regulations for levees have changed recently Fact: Regulations have been in place for over 23 years Myth: FEMA will only accredit a Federal Levee Fact: FEMA accredits any levee meeting the regulatory requirements 16
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 Risk is a Joint Effort CA DWR New Flood Risk Notification Flyer for households in the Central Valley areas of the State 17
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy National Committee on Levee Safety (NCLS) Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 lead by the USACE, the NCLS is a committee of federal, state, local, and private sector members with the direction from Congress to prepare recommendations and a strategic implementation plan on a National Levee Safety Program Participates with USACE as federal representatives Delivered recommendations to Congress to establish a National Levee Safety Program – January
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy The National Dam Safety Program Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 The NDSP which is led by FEMA, is a partnership of Federal, State, and other stakeholders which promotes individual and community responsibility for dam safety. “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” Benjamin Franklin 19
FEMA’s Role in National Water Policy Supporting National Water Resource Policy Summary Sandra K. Knight National Waterways Conference September 22-24, 2010 FEMA’s role in Water Policy includes: Floodplain Management and Grants Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning The Administration of the National Flood Insurance Program The Administration of the National Dam Safety program Participation in the Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force Participation in the National Levee Safety Program 20