Social Work Advisory Board The conditions for coexitence of people are their respect, acteptance, empathie, undrestanding and independancy which lead to the responsibility for ownself and for others.
Social Work Advisory Board / SWAB/ is non for profit civil association which offers advisory, supervision and education for : Citizens in critical social situationCitizens in critical social situation Staff members in social servicesStaff members in social services Non governmental organizationsNon governmental organizations Charity and diakony organizationsCharity and diakony organizations VolunteersVolunteers To increase the quality of social services in SlovakiaTo increase the quality of social services in Slovakia To cooperate with important organization of state and NGO´s in Slovakia and other countries.To cooperate with important organization of state and NGO´s in Slovakia and other countries.
Mission of SWAB is to influent the attitudes, approaches and methods of social services providers to lead them for support human and citizen dignity of persons with disability and seniors. The need of transformation is so important because it exists the discrepancy between real conditions of life for persons with disability and the ethic principals based on the values of life, on the respect and the aceptance of the people.
Social Work Advisory Board: Enforces:Enforces: –Transformation of social institutions –Development of new form of social services –Non formal education Offers:Offers: –Social prevention –Social consultation –Accredit education: Systematic education for non governmental social services providersSystematic education for non governmental social services providers Elements of quality of social services and their implementationElements of quality of social services and their implementation Individual programmes of development for persons with disabilityIndividual programmes of development for persons with disability Education and training for prevencion and dealing with agressive behaviorEducation and training for prevencion and dealing with agressive behavior Elements of home care services providersElements of home care services providers Utilization of PC and MAC in administration, polygraphy a medialiationUtilization of PC and MAC in administration, polygraphy a medialiation
Social Work Advisory Board: Published:Published: –Special publication: Quailiy of Social Services I. (Košice 2000)Quailiy of Social Services I. (Košice 2000) Quailiy of Social Services II. (Košice 2003)Quailiy of Social Services II. (Košice 2003) –Methodical materials: Social services for citizens - Manual for municipalities (Bratislava 2001)Social services for citizens - Manual for municipalities (Bratislava 2001) Project management – Manual (Bratislava 2001)Project management – Manual (Bratislava 2001) Manual for transformation of social institution in Slovakia (Bratislava 2002)Manual for transformation of social institution in Slovakia (Bratislava 2002) Place of the charity in the providing social services in the process of decentralization and transformation (Bratislava 2003)Place of the charity in the providing social services in the process of decentralization and transformation (Bratislava 2003) –Integration Special journal about the proccess of forming, managing and supporting the development of citizens in critical social situation. Published 3 times per year. Editotrial board established from slovak and foreigner specialists.Special journal about the proccess of forming, managing and supporting the development of citizens in critical social situation. Published 3 times per year. Editotrial board established from slovak and foreigner specialists.
Branches of SWAB
Structure of SWAB
CONTACTS: Address: Františkánska 2, Bratislava, SlovakiaAddress: Františkánska 2, Bratislava, Slovakia Tel.: , Tel.: , Fax: Fax: