Joel Brock, Georg Hoffstaetter, David Sagan, Karthik Narayan
Subroutine library for Accelerator Beam Physics Used by Tao (Tool for Accelerator Optics)
Variable local reference coordinates Locally, in flat orbits
Attributes Graze angle X-offset Y-offset Graze angle error Graze curvature Transverse curvature Tilt Tilt error X-pitch Y-pitch Beam Attributes (Six Vector) X Px Y Py Z Pz
XOffset and GAE Verification The following variables are ideally very small: X_offset graze_angle_err beam_start x beam_start px PropertyValue Graze angle ° Graze angle error ° X_Offset mm Beam x offset mm Beam px Final x orbit mm
COMPLETED Graze angle X offset Graze angle error Graze curvature X-pitch Transfer matrix for graze angle, x offset, and graze angle error TO BE COMPLETED Y-offset Transverse curvature Tilt Tilt error Y-pitch Transformation matrix with all offsets and errors Higher order non-linear terms Canonical z-coordinate equations
The Physics of Particle Accelerators by Klaus Wille General accelerator physics concepts Particle Accelerator Physics by Helmut Wiedemann Transfer matrices, deeper concepts The BMAD Reference Manual by David Sagan Coordinate systems, element attributes The Tao Reference Manual by David Sagan, Jeffrey Smith Lattice configuration, element configuration
BMAD (baby/better/be) Subroutine Library Back end testing purposes Tao (Tool for Accelerator Optics) Front end testing purposes The Geometer’s Sketchpad 2D drawing environment
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