Pasture Improvement Involves sowing selected species of grasses and legumes and managing its growth with fertiliser, irrigation, proper grazing, and weed control
Species Selection List 5 factors a farmer needs to consider in selecting a pasture species
Factors in selection 1. Compatibility 2. Suits local climate 3. Provides feed all year round 4. Provides nutrition 5. Palatable and digestible 6. Be persistent
Establishing Pasture Soil preparation Feriliser and lime application Weed control Direct drilling, oversowing, aerial sowing
Maintaining High Quality Pasture For maximum growth keep pasture length between 7 cm and 18 cm. In late autumn allow stock to graze to 2.5 cm to allow light to penetrate for tiller growth Avoid treading damage which kills the crown and roots. Maintain good phosphorous levels. (18-20 kg/ha) Keep pH between 5.7 and 6.2 Rotationally graze when feed is in short supply. Rotational grazing or break fencing is a more efficient use of pasture as all the pasture is eaten and there is more time for pasture to recover.
Feed Quality Height (cm) Flowering ProteinDigestibleIndigestible
Optimising Pasture Growth Fertiliser application – boosts pasture growth. Fertiliser is usually applied in spring or autumn when pasture growth conditions occur Irrigation – in summer when soil moisture deficits occur. Irrigation increases grass growth and maintains pasture cover
Optimising Pasture Growth continued Pasture species – choice of pasture species determines whether pastures can resist drought, disease, pest damage, intense grazing, pugging, certain soil type Grazing mamagement Topping