The Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMRNP) (GREECE) Presentation by: Stavros Kechagioglou, M.Sc. Wood Τ echnology Forester at Forest Service of Drama Vice President of the Management Body of RMRNP
The Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMRNP)
The significance of RMRNP The total area of RMRNP is 173,150 ha. Inside RMRNP can be found all the vegetation zones of Europe. Almost 60% of the European species can be met here. Subalpine meadow - FalakroPicea abies - Elatia
The most productive forests of Greece Spruce forest of Elatia Virgin Forest of Fracto Preserved natural monument of Tsichla – Chaidou
Flora of RMRNP (forest species) Pine forest Black Pine Spruce Beech Oak Birch Alder Fir
Fauna of RMRNP Deer (Cervus elaphus) Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) Chamois (Rupicarpa rupicarpa) Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Wolf (Canis lupus) Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Wildcat (Felis silvestris) Forestry-grouse (Bonasia bonasia) Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
Protected areas of RMRNP Seven (7) areas integrated into Natura 2000 network Two (2) SPA Five (5) SCI Two (2) Preserved Natural Monuments Six (6) Wild life Reserves Three (3) Biogenetic Stocks areas Dam of Platanovrysi Lilium rhodopaeum Lathraea rhodopaea Amanita muscaria
Management Bodies of RMRNP and the Legal framework of Protection RMRNP managed by the: Management Body of Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (MBRMRNP) and the Forest Services of Drama and Xanthi Legislation framework : Council Directive 92/43/EEC Council Directive 2009/147/ΕU Council Directive 2009/28/ΕC National Law 3044/2002 National Law 40379/2009
RED 2009/28/EC The Directive 2009/28/EC : concerns the RMRNP and largely determines the country's policy on Renewable Energy. The commitment by Greece to obtain specific percentages of the total electricity production from renewable energy sources has led to declaration of high interest, regarding the generation of electricity from renewable sources, mostly hydropower. Number of applications for R.E. SOLAR ENERGY WIND ENERGY HYDRO ENERGY
RED 2009/28/EC The above demand causes great pressure, which the RMRNP must face sustainably, with the help of the National Legislation. According to our experience, the best practice to be followed, especially in the areas of Network NATURA 2000, is to evaluate the regional energy potential of different forms seperately. This evaluation should take into consideration the consequences on the under protection object, so that specific enviromental protection guidelines will be formulated in the implementation of the legislation.
Management Plan - Aims Concept of the management plans : sustainable management. Aims: The protection, the environmental interpretation and conservation of: 1) an abundant and significant number of species of wild life and their habitats, 2) the biodiversity and all the natural processes that occur, 3) the culture and the history of the area. Public education and awareness about the harmonic coexistence of human activity and nature.
Zones of Protection A zone: Strict nature reserve B zone: Nature reserve C zone: Special management area
Permitted actions Scientific research Management activities Surveillance - guarding Archaeological research Natrix natrix Drosera rotundifolia Upupa epops
Timber Production Α bout € income by timber production. Wood for heating energy purposes is about 39% of the total wood volume production. Seventy (70) and activated more forestry cooperatives in RMRNP. About 700 employees. Average annual timber production about cubic meters.
Solid biomass As for the area of RMRNP: Only 2.7 % of the park is covered by agricultural areas, 12% by graze land and almost 80% is covered by forest and forest lands. The rest area is covered by water and infrastructures. From the forest lands only 33% are high productive forests and the rest are low and medium productive forests. The forest land presents a stocking of m3. The annual wood yield is m3 ( tons) of which the 39 % of the forest annual yield is used for heating use without changing the current use of wood. We consider an annual growth of 7 m3/(ha per year) for coniferous and 3.5 for Mediterranean forests. For agricultural areas we suppose a straw production of 2000 kg/(ha per year) for the wheat and kg/(ha per year) for corn corps. Moreover we estimate that only 50% of the produced biomass can be used because of technical and logistic problems. For the biomass we consider a Lower Calorific Value of 3 kWh/kg.
In order to calculate the quantity of thermal energy and electrical energy produced, we assume that: 0% of the biomass is used in CHP plants in association with ORC turbogenerators. 80% of the biomass is used to feed up heating stoved and manually fed heating plants. We assume 50% efficiency for these systems. 20% of the biomass is used to feed up new heating plants – pellets and chips stoves and plants. We assume 80% efficiency for this plants. Solid biomass
Thank you for your attention !!!