By : Mohammed Abdu Al-badwi Supervisor : Prof. mansour fares hosen بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Internal Parasites By : Mohammed Abdu Al-badwi Supervisor : Prof. mansour fares hosen
Some definitions… Parasite: An organism that obtains food and shelter from another organism and derives all the benefits from this association . Obligate: When the parasite can live only in host. Facultative: When the parasite can live in the host as well as in free form . Endoparasites: When the parasite lives inside the body. Ectoparasites: When the parasite survives on the body surface.
Parasites worms Trematodes Round W. Fascicles hepatica Tapeworms Bloodworms lungworms Ruminal W. Broad tapeworms Filarial W. Liver W. Bilharizial W. Beef or pork tapeworm Gastroenteritis W.
Common Internal Parasites Common Name Large stomach worm Medium stomach worm Small stomach worm Hook worm Effect Sucks blood; anemia Reduction of nutrient absorption; profuse, watery diarrhea Sucks blood; anemia, weight loss
Common Internal Parasites Common Name Intestinal thread worm Lungworm Tapeworm Effect Intestinal hemorrhages Coughing; rapid shallow breathing; secondary bacterial infections Reduce nutrient absorption; occasional diarrhea
Common Internal Parasites Common Name Common liver fluke Stomach fluke Effect Hemorrhage of liver; cystic and enlarged bile Ducts Diarrhea; loss of appetite; loss of weight
Another Effects ►Losses in animal productivity (milk production, weight gain, altered carcass composition, conception rate, etc.
A bloodworm is an aquatic insect larval stage of a non-biting midge (Chironomus tetans). The head has modified mouthparts for filtering small food organisms. Bloodworms frequently build tubes of mud around themselves, which may be attached to stones. The bloodworm has an iron-porphyrin protein, respiratory pigment in its blood and tissue fluids (red) that corresponds to hemoglobin in vertebrates. This larva is important in the aquatic food chain. Image and text copyright © Dennis Kunkel. All rights reserved.
Integrated Parasite Management (IPM) ►Parasite control starts with good management. .(►Good sanitation ( controlling parasites .►Feed should not be fed on the ground .►Use Feeders that ( waste and contamination ) .(►Water (clean and free from fecal matter .►Pens and pastures should not be overstocked (►All new arrivals to (isolated for at least 30 days and de wormed ►The use of clean or safe .
IPM . ► Nutrition in early pregnancy .(► protein levels (late gestation - immune response .► Genetics affect an animal's ability to resist infection ► It is important to manage both resistance . .(► Animals have majority of worm eggs( removed ►Animals which require frequent treatment (removed ) ► Select breeds are more resistant to parasites.
IPM ►During Rotational grazing (rest periods > 70 days). ►Intensive grazing ( exacerbate parasite problems) . ►There are some forages (anti-parasitic effects -Chicory).
Treatment There are three families of drugs which are used to treat internal parasites in livestock: ►Fenbendazole, Albendazole, Oxybendazole,… . ►Nicotinics - Levamisole, Pyrantel , Moratel . ►Macrolytic Lactones - Ivermectin , Doramectin .
Living with parasites? ► Clean water -Some parasites (e.g. Cryptosporidia) are very resistant to bleach ► Clean environments -Washing hands, treating well-water systems ► Cooking foods -Most parasites are destroyed by adequate cooking of foods ► Treatment -Most therapies are quite toxic to the host. Pregnancy is an important issue
Conclusion ►Parasite control starts with good knowledge of the parasites and how they affect livestock ►Susceptibility and resistance to internal parasites in animals is affected ( season, the age, nutrition, and pasture management. ►Fecal counts are worthwhile to detect the types and number of parasites affecting the herd or an individual.
►As prevention, animals should not be allowed to graze when pastures are wet ►Young animals should preferably be put in new pastures where parasite levels are low ►Deworming can be done when the animals are put out to pasture and again three weeks later
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