Westward Expansion Notes (Miners, Ranchers, Farmers, Mormons) Key to notes page.
MINERS-Went West to search for gold and to make their fortunes! Boomtowns:
Ghost Towns
Comstock Lode
RANCHERS- Went West to raise cattle and add land, sell cows for more money. Open Range
Cowtowns- Long Drive- Herding cattle 1,000 miles or more Drove the cattle to meet the train to take them to the East. Towns located near the railroad. Ranching became less popular when? (name 2 reasons) Use page 536
Farmers went west to plant crops and to make money. Homestead Act- Gave 160 free acres of land to each settler. Settler had to pay a filing fee Had to live on the land for 5 years Two challenges farmers faced- Bad Weather Plagues of grasshoppers, fires (natural disasters)
Mormons went west to escape religious persecution Mormon Trail - A trail from Nauvoo, Illinois to Utah The Mormons traveled – to find religious freedom in the West. Mormon Invention while traveling: Why? They invented the odometer to record their mileage while traveling on the trail for other groups to follow
How did this affect the Indians way of life? (List three ways.) Use the word nomad in a sentence. Use the word reservation in a sentence. (free choice)