Varied Lands and Varied Resources Chapter 9 Lesson 1
16 independent countries make up region of _____________________ Europe From ___________________________in north to Balkan Peninsula in south Eastern Europe – four separate sub regions ____________________________ _________________________ Western Balkans Eastern Balkans
Made up of: ____________________________ Czech Republic Slovakia ___________________________ All located in the ______________________________ of Europe
Poland – largest country in Central Europe Baltic Sea to the ________________________ Thousands of lakes in northern Poland Great European Plain covers northern and central Poland _______________________River cuts through central Poland Provides water for __________________________________ areas and __________________________________ for industries
Rolling hills break up Great European _________________________________ in south Carpathian mountains form southern border Home to variety of _____________________________ Brown bears Wolves ________________________________ (a kind of wildcat)
Most people in Poland live in _______________ Work in service or manufacturing _______________ Factories in Lodz and Katowice make machinery and ________________________ _________________________ – capital of Poland Large automobile factory Southwestern Poland – __________________________ ¼ of economy comes from agriculture
__________________________ problems Burning ___________________________ Sometimes levels so high it’s ____________________________
Czech Republic – borders Poland to ____________________________ _____________________________ based on: Steel __________________________ Machinery Iron industries Also produce: _____________________________ Textiles Wood and paper products Pottery
__________________________– capital of Czech Republic Popular for ________________________ Also popular _____________________________ Forest Elbe River Sudety Mountains
________________________– to southeast touches Czech Republic Carpathian and Tatra Mountains ______________________________ border ____________________________________ River part of Slovakia’s southern border Slovakia – some industries Agriculture largest part of economy Depends on _________________________________soil around Danube River for farming
Hungary More than 1,000 lakes and ____________________ springs Thermal springs – sources of ________________________ water – bubble up from ground Tourists bathe and relax in springs for ______________________ _________________________ – Hungary’s capital Sites of Central Europe
Lithuania, and Latvia, Estonia – border the ______________________________ Sometimes called the Baltic States Low-lying costal plain Cows graze on grass here Mild ___________________________________ __________________________________________cover interior of Baltic States Soil good for: Sugar beets, potatoes, and grain
____________________________ Farming, forestry, and fishing – important to __________________________ Largest of Baltic States Famous for ____________________________ – tree sap that has hardened over thousands of years Found on shores of Baltic Sea Golden in color – made into ____________________________ Nearly 90% of world’s amber comes from Lithuania – ________________________ to other countries for centuries
_______________________ Forests cover about 40% of land Home to: elk, deer, brown bears, and wolves ________________________ important to economy Latvia sells timber and ______________________ products to other countries
__________________________ Known from forests, waterways, and wildlife More than 1,400 lakes 10% of land area 800 islands in ____________________________ Income from mining oil __________________________ – rock that produces oil when heated
Balkan _____________________called _______________________ Balkans Between Adriatic and Black Seas Balkan means – ______________________ in Turkish Mountainous land Rocky shoreline of Adriatic Sea
_________________________ Northernmost country in Western Balkans ½ covered with ________________ Remaining land used to grow _________________________ Limestone caverns and caves contrast green _____________________
____________________ South and east of Slovenia Curved shape Long stretch of land along _____________________ coast Plannonian Plains change to rolling hills Give way to rocky Dinaric __________
_________________ and Herzegovina Fits in curve of Croatia Made up of forested mountains Southern part – flat _________________________ Southwestern __________________ – Dinaric Alps
______________________________ East of Bosnia and Herzegovina Two _____________________ Serbia Montenegro Eastern Europe’s only fjord along Adriatic coast ___________________ – flat _____________________ - mountainous
Only __________________________ country in Western Balkans South of Yugoslavia Warm _______________________________ Ideal for growing: ___________________________ Rice Cotton Landscape – rivers, mountains, _______________________
_________________________ Western neighbor to Macedonia Inland mountains – not suitable for growing ___________________ Along __________________________ coast – farmers grow corn and fruit
Clustered around western shore of ____________________________ Romania Bulgaria ______________________ -62 miles from Black Sea coast
Danube River runs along boundary _________________________ Romania and Bulgaria Dniester and Prut form eastern and western boarders Keep land _____________________ Provide ________________________
Mostly __________________________ Carpathians cut across Romania and become Transylvanian Alps Southeast – land turns into flat ______________ Farmers grow variety of crops Romania – rich in ______________________resources Gold Silver Lignite- soft brown coal
Lots of ___________________________ 60% of Europe’s bears 40% of wolves 250 kinds of birds 90 kinds of fish near mouth of _________________________ Major stop for birds __________________________ from Africa to Asia
Northern Bulgaria – Danube River creates excellent _________________________ Balkan Mountains run through center of country Change to rolling ___________________________ Rise again Foothills of Balkan Mountains Valley of the Roses Fragrant flowers Oil used to make ________________________________
Smallest _________________________ in Eastern Balkans Mostly flat plains, gentle rolling hills Several rivers Rich ___________________________ Farmers grow corn, wheat, vegetables Factories produce _______________________________ goods
1. What countries border the Czech Republic? 2. With which of those countries does the Czech Republic share the largest border? 3. With which of those countries does the Czech Republic share the smallest border? 4. What is the capital of the Czech Republic? 5. Name four places people like to visit in the Czech Republic.
CountryCapital City 1. Austria 2.Brussels 3. Bulgaria 4.Nicosia 5. Czech Republic 6.Copenhagen 7. Estonia 8.Helsinki 9. France 10.Berlin 11. Greece 12.Budapest 13. Ireland 14.Rome 15. Latvia 16.Vilnius 17. Luxembourg 18.Valletta 19. Netherlands 20.Warsaw 21. Portugal 22.Bucharest 23. Slovakia 24.Ljubljana 25.Spain 26.Stockholm 27. United Kingdom