By: Niall Martin, Cassidy McDonald, Claudia Noonan
Unfenced grasslands Temperate or Tropical climates Supply forage, or vegetation, for grazing and browsing animals. 42% of the grassland is grazed on by cattle, sheep, and goats. Manage grasslands or enclosed meadows Planted with domesticated grasses or other forage
Plants are exposed to intensive grazing Extended periods of time Without sufficient recovery periods Caused by livestock in poorly managed agricultural applications Reduces grass cover Exposes soil to erosion Compacts the soil Enhances invasion of foreign species cattle will not eat
Reduces the net primary productivity of grassland vegetation and grass cover Land trust groups will pay ranchers for deed restrictions that bar future owners from developing the land. Pressure on government to prevent large scale development on fragile land
Control the amount of cattle and how long they graze so the carrying capacity will not exceed. - Rotational grazing- confined in a fenced area for a short period of time and then moved. Suppress to growth of invader plants and replanting of more useful plants - Burning, herbicide, trampling