Verification of trial coal charges and monitoring of changes in quality. RATIO-COAL project kick-off meeting 16 November, 2010, US central administration office in Katowice, Bankowa 12 street
Essential information Coke production has a long-standing tradition in Třinecké železárny. The first coke was produced here in Two coke-oven batteries of the annual capacity of 700 thousand tons of coke are operated using a stamp process. Bituminous coal for the production of blast furnace coke is transported by railway from the nearby Ostrava - Karviná coalfield. Both batteries are equipped with coke wet quenching facility. The coke gas is desulfurized and supplied to the gas network of Třinecké železárny. An intermediate product of the coke-oven gas desulfurization is sulfuric acid which is reused in the process of eliminating ammonia from the coke-oven gas. Tar, benzol and ammonia sulfate are the by-products generated during the coke production. The coke-oven plant is equipped with a rotary drier for drying the coke which can be used as a carburizing agent in steel plants. Waste phenol-ammonia waters of the coking plant are treated together with city sewage waters of Třinec at a biological sewage treatment plant.
Main parts of cokemaking department Coal service –average output of the unloading pit 400 t/h –capacity of roofed coal stocks 12 x 3000 t –average output of 7 hammer mills about 50 t/h/mill –coke drying line about 3 t/h Coke-oven batteries –two coke-oven batteries KB 11 and KB 12 –the year of a major overhaul KB ; KB –number of chambers in each battery 72 –size of a chamber 442x3645x12350 mm –annual coke production per battery 350 kt/year Chemical part of the coking plant –coke-oven gas volume m3/h –tar 30 kt/year –benzol 8 kt/year
Optimising Coal Charge Composition at TŽ, a. s. verification of trial charges (in laboratory and operational scales) – preparatory stage monitoring of changes in quality of current deliveries (charge components) and coke vs. quality of components when verifying trial charges – stage of application of the „standart“ charge The complexity of the relations between inputs and outputs in cokemaking and ironmaking technologies will probably make it impossible to design a generally valid prediction system. Under our set of conditions, the coal charge composition is optimised at two stages:
Verification of Trial Charges approximately 120 t trial charges per 1 test Approximately 10 tests ( for optimisation of „standart charge“reason ) calculation the coefficients of prediction equations for the M 40, M 10, CSR, CRI updated the predictive part of the department’s information system
Window of the department’s information system Charge prediction Data loading Karbotest linkLink coal supplier Coal type Total Ratio Design Daily consumption Enough for how many days Recalculation Extendet recalculation Calculated values Prediction coeficient Charge price CRI(operational) CSR(operational) M 40 (basic, operational) M 10 (basic, operational)
Window of of the department’s information system Ekonomy Charges Including series Selected year Series number Test number Charge price Record Price Sorting in ascending order Sorting in descending order
Monitoring changes in quality of current deliveries The outcomes of verifying the charges is a design of a “standard“ charge having a defined component composition and at the same time quality parameters quality parameters of the individual charge components (coal deliveries) are far from stable Comparison from a multidimensional point of view
Hotelling‘s control diagram „Standart“ Below the red line „Standart“ Below the red line
Principal component analysis „Standart“ Green point
Conclusion select the cheapest charge for the production of coke at required quality graphically monitor trends in quality parameters of coal supplies thus determining deviations from “standard values”. design charge composition corrections whenever coke quality reduction is observed and to select the optimum variant both in terms of coke costs and quality. Cokemaking is submitted to lasting economic pressure and made to direct to maximum utilisation of “coke-forming” properties of coal charge components. In reality, this requires incessantly comparing a number of multidimensional data with the so-called standard conditions in the course of laboratory and operational verifications. TŽ, a.s. developed and applied an information system which allows to: