John Pemberton By: Ms. Nichols
John Pemberton Born 1840 – Died 1886 From: Atlanta, Georgia Invented: Coca-Cola
John Pemberton He was a pharmacist He concocted the formula in a kettle in his back yard. His friend and bookkeeper came up with the name. He originally invented the formula as a medicine. He died 2 years after inventing the formula for coca cola.
Invention Coca-Cola Invented: 1886 Invented as a syrup and later carbonated water was added.
Coca-Cola He made the formula as a medicine. It was originally wine of coca, but during Prohibition he needed to remove the alcohol. His friend and bookkeeper gave him the name and font that is still used today. It was served in a soda fountain in his pharmacy.
Coca-Cola HHow it hasn’t changed: Same formula. TThe formula has always been a very closely guarded secret. The same written font as first created.
How it’s changed: Name has shortened to Coke. Packaged in different way like bottles and cans. Many different flavors: Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, etc… The company is worth billions of dollars Coke is the second most recognized word in the world. They changed the formula to “New Coke” but had to change it back because people complained to much.