7.Complex Structures Self-Study Worksheet
The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences.
The cyclist drank a gallon of water and a litre of Coke. The aeroplane will land at the airport and taxi to the terminal. Joe went to the library and borrowed a book.
a) Infl Pst The cyclist drank a gallon of water and a litre of Coke S NP VP Infl NP Pst NP NP PP PP NP NP Det N V Det N P N Conj Det N P N The cyclist drank a gallon of water and a litre of Coke
b) S VP NP VP VP PP PP NP NP Det N Inf V P Det N Conj V P Det N The aeroplane will land at the airport and taxi to the terminal
c) VP PP VP NP NP P Det N Conj V Det V N Infl Pst Joe went to the library and borrowed a book
2. The following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function as complements. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.
The fishermen think that the company polluted the bay. That officer was sure that Gerry often speeds down the motorway. Diana worried about how she will look that night.
a) S NP VP Infl CP Non-Pst S VP NP Infl Pst Det N Det N V V C NP Det N The fishermen think that the company polluted the bay
b) S NP AP CP S VP NP Infl PP Non-Pst NP N Qual V P Det N Det N Infl A That officer was sure that Gerry often speeds down the motorway
c) Diana worried about how she will look that night S VP NP Infl PP CP Pst S VP NP NP N Infl V Det N N V P C Diana worried about how she will look that night