Coca-Cola By: Type slogan here
AKS and Essential Questions SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and development. b. Explain how entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business. c. Evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in Georgia who developed such enterprises as Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Georgia-Pacific, and Home Depot. 1.What are the risks that entrepreneurs take to develop new goods and services to start a business? 2.What is the importance of entrepreneurs and how do they affect Georgia’s economy? 3.Which grassroots companies have signified the importance of entrepreneurship in Georgia?
Word Splash-Key Words to Remember Word
Summary-Type your Nine Sentences Here
History of the Company
History of Coca- Cola
Company’s Mission Statement and Values
How is Coca Cola important to Georgia?
Georgia is a Grassroots Company but by entrepreneurship
Important facts to Remember?
Coca-Cola Today
Multiple Choice 1. How much did Asa G. Candler buy the Coke recipe for? A. $500 B. $2,300 C. $2,700 D. $1.7 Million 2. What is the number one ingredient in Coke? A. Carbonated Water B. Caramel color C. High Fructose Corn Syrup D.Phosphoric Acid 3. What is Not a Coca-Cola Advertising Slogan? A. Coke is it! B. Enjoy C. Always Coca-Cola C. Drink Fresh 4. Which is Not a Coca-Cola product? A. PowerAde B. Mountain Dew C. Sprite D. Fanta Fill in the Blank 5. Sprite was introduced in________________________. 6. Asa G Candler came to the U.S. with _________________ dollars and change. 7.______________________________ was the first place coca-cola expanded to in __________________________________ was the inventor of Coke and only made $ How has Coca-Cola become an international trading partner? _________________________________________