Branding The buying and selling if image By Michelle El-Chaar & Matt Evans Click to watch clip – How many brands are promoted in this song?
Branding…What is it? Click on the logo to view the clip on branding. A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognisable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product.
Another point of view… A product or service that offers something distinct as a benefit. It has a ‘Name’ Someone buys it. More someones buy it. The original someones come back and buy more. ‘Name’ starts getting known for that distinct thing (or whatever reason the someones associate with buying Apple)… ‘Name’ is becoming a brand. Not a definition. A logic flow:
How many of these brands are a part of your world? Task: Identify some other popular brands. Survey the class and graph the results.
Branding- The Stakeholders
Super branding the minds of children. Click on the image to view the clip.
What part did you play in Cokes latest “Share a Coke” campaign? What do you think made this campaign so successful? The Producers “Lets print 150 of the most popular names on the bottle” “People associate with the red Coke label. We’ll keep that the same”
Branding Strategy- Let get in the minds of the Super brands
2. The Appeal of the product “We are using the power of the first name in a playful and social way to remind people of those in their lives they may have lost touch with or have yet to connect with. We’ve put names on Coca-Cola bottles so consumers will have fun finding their friends and family members’ names and then enjoy sharing a Coke together.” 1. The objective of the campaign Sydney, Apple Store Opening
3. Product reach in the market How many countries do you think McDonald’s is found in? Click here to find out here So how does McDonald’s cater for a global market with different needs? Compare the Australia McDonald’s menu with the McDonald’s menu in India to find 4. The scalability of the product Super brands video- Las
4. The scalability of the product
5. Effectiveness of media YouTube: Share a Coke Campaign YouTube: Share a Coke Campaign 6. Consumer behaviour “Brands influence our behaviour” How does watching this ad make you feel? What is the ad saying about the brand? What strategies are used in this ad that make you want to purchase the product? Who is the target audience? Click on the logo to watch the clip.
How does branding impact on us? The Consumers Kate’s Facebook Status: “I found my Coke bottle.”
The Advantages of Branding to the Consumer There are benefits of branding to the consumer. These are: Popular brands are trusted, placing confidence in the consumer. Branding differentiates products, making them easily identifiable. Are there any other benefits?
Clip: Youth Perspective on Branding -H4LUUs -H4LUUs What do you think about branding? Task: Create a positive and negative chart or formulate a debate around this topic.
The Impact of Branding on Youth “Youth consumer choices are not just a matter of individual taste; what they buy demonstrates their style.” M.Crawford & G. Rossiter 2006 ‘Reasons for Living – A Handbook’ Brands impact on identity, especially for young people. Young people feel compelled to by products based on what is perceived as ‘cool’. Advertising strategies are used to entice people to believe that certain products/brands are necessary to achieve a certain image and therefore acceptance. This thirst for the ‘it’ brand can have a negative impact on the consumer. The Super brands response? Click on image to view clip.
The Impact of Branding on Youth Financial Just over half 18 – 24 year olds have some consumer debt and about half of those have a credit card. About one-fifth of young people with credit cards hardly ever or never pay the full balance every month. More than a quarter of year olds in 2007 owed money, and 36 % had been in debt. “A report prepared by the NSW Office of Fair Trading said 60% of 15 to 24 – year –olds and 70% of parents acknowledged youth debt as an issue of concern. It stated that young people ranked debt as a problem, “behind excessive drinking, close to drugs, and above unemployment and youth suicide.” Consumers are willing to pay more for a name even though there may be little difference in the quality. Click image to view psychological effects of branding
Financial Just over half 18 – 24 year olds have some consumer debt and about half of those have a credit card. About one-fifth of young people with credit cards hardly ever or never pay the full balance every month. More than a quarter of year olds in 2007 owed money, and 36 % had been in debt. A survey of 616 young people aged 12 to 17 years in 2007 found that more than a quarter of them owed money at the time they were surveyed (26%), and an additional 36 per cent had been in debt at an earlier stage. Should young people be allowed access to a credit card?
Identity Marketers set out to identify the next ‘cool’trend to exploit and cash in on. The need to fit in can have a huge impact on our well being: Body image- tattoos Acceptance- drinking/smoking Self Esteem Substance abuse Mental Health Bullying What impact do you think branding has on identity? “…marketers set out to ‘colonise’ the self-consciousness of children and young adults.” M.Crawford & G. Rossiter 2006 ‘Reasons for Living – A Handbook’ Click to access statistics in report on ‘Young Australians: their health and well-being’ 2012
Even Religion doesn’t escape Branding What is the link between Religion and branding? How does branding influence Religion? How do Religions use branding? Click on the image to read more about, ‘Consumerism, Faith and Young People.’
Next time you purchase a ‘brand’ name product, consider the part you’re playing in the super brand phenomenon and the impact branding has on you.
Find out more! BBC Secrets of the Superbrands- Fashion BBC Secrets of the Superbrands- Technology BBC Secrets of the Superbrandss- Food The New ethical Guideline for Companies of the Social Media Age View Martin Lindstorm's Blog- Fan of the Consumer for books, videos and articles on Branding. McDonalds