Coca-Cola The global drink
The task my class took on was to find out if students around the world have the same reaction to Coke that we have here in New Hampshire. They wondered if students just drank Coke because everyone else did or if they really liked the taste. We asked students from the learning circles questions about their drinking habits as it pertained to soft drinks. We received responses we were expecting and also answers that amazed us. The thing we were most surprised about was that of the students we surveyed, the ones that were most dissimilar to us were from Kansas in the U.S. The students there drank a lot of drinks we here in New England had never heard of.
Why do students drink Coke? The bottom line for the students surveyed was they liked the taste. Peer pressure did not seem to have a significant influence on the decision of what soda to drink. Students also felt strongly about they decision to drink Coke Versus Pepsi. There really does appear to be a cola war.
Coca-Cola Statistics Coca cola owns more than ½ of the world’s beverages. Coke is affordable in all the countries we surveyed. It was not out of the price range for an afternoon snack. Coke comes in a variety of sizes worldwide so you can use it for a crowd or as a personal snack drink
Taste Test Results
Advertising Coke was first advertised as a remedy for headaches and exhaustion Coke has been advertising on television for 50 years. Songs used in coca cola commercials have become popular. They use catchy mottos such as: “Adds a refreshing relish to every form of exercise”
Charitable Giving The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners shipped more than 30 million donated 8-oz. servings to Hurricane Katrina Evacuees, donated $10 million to tsunami relief efforts in Asia and after the September 11 terrorist attacks committed to a $12 million financial contribution to disaster relief efforts.
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