Advertising BAC 3. 1. Course components 1. LECTURES : involving the whole class 2. ORAL PRESENTATIONS : < week 3 until week 10 2 students per presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Advertising BAC 3

1. Course components 1. LECTURES : involving the whole class 2. ORAL PRESENTATIONS : < week 3 until week 10 2 students per presentation 3. SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES : LANGUAGE PRACTICE: 1st term: - Audiobook - Readings - Weekly exercises - Coursebook 2 nd term: - Weekly exercises - Coursebook 4. ARTICLES : 1st term: 3 articles (end of November) 2 nd term: 3 articles (end of April) ALL INFORMATION ON

2. Exams NOVEMBER : Written exam + Oral exam MAY : Written exam + Oral exam TOPICS for NOVEMBER: - ORAL EXAM: Readings 2 students per exam, 15 mins ( discussion) - WRITTEN EXAM: Audiobook Coursebook Weekly exercises Oral presentations TOPICS FOR MAY : beginning of Q2 (J.P Ranschaert)

3. Oral presentations

3. Weekly exercises

INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING 1.Introduction ADvertising? AdVERtisement? Marketing communication

Advertising clutter Mad Men Careful! COKE = an advertiser OGILVY = employs an ad man ad woman ad person

TO DO For Week 2 Promoting and protecting: the rights, responsibilities ans rules of advertising Read and answer the following questions: 1.What is advertising? Define it. 2.Why advertise? 3.What is the structure of the advertising business? 4.What freedom is there to advertise? The persuasion game ( > weekly exercises > week 1) The advertising business ( > weekly exercises > week 2) Bring an advertisement to class