By: Dotun Ogundeji
Population Growth Agricultural Revolution Britain and Continental Europe
In the 18 th century that the population grew Reasons: More reliable food sources Earlier Marriage Higher Birthrates And Better Medicine Migration into Cities
Began long before the 18 th century. American crops More cattle Only wealthy could invest in new crops and new farming methods. They experimented with scientific farming methods. Result was that there was more meat and milk
18 th century Britain’s role in the Industrial Revolution was significant because: Economic growth, population growth, people with innovative minds, mining and metal industries, world’s largest merchant marine, fluid social structure, good water transportation system, unified market, highly developed commercial sector
More Deforestation Cheap Labor such as: Child labor Irish Men and Women American women More demand for slaves after Child Labor Laws Passed Disparities in income
Mass Production in Pottery Mechanization within the Cotton Industry Advances in the Iron Industry New Inventions Such As: Railroads and the Steam Engine
Was imported or handmade Made for Aristocracy Ordinary people could not afford it First Pottery business was opened in 1759 by Josiah Wedgwood
During this time there was a higher demand for Cotton Mechanization of cotton textile led to much greater efficiency and lower prices. England was responsible for the revolution of spinning cotton with new inventions such as: Water Frame Spinning Jenny
Iron had been used in Eurasia and Africa for thousands of years Limited wood supplies and the high cost of skilled labor made iron a rare and valuable metal outside of China before the eighteenth century In the 18 th century a series of inventions made it possible for the British to produce large amounts of cheap iron Coke ( solid carbon material from ash) Puddling (m etallurgy steel and iron making) Bridge building Crystal Palace
STEAM ENGINE Was the most revolutionary invention of the Industrial Revolution Was invented by Thomas Newcomen in And was later improved by James Watt in 1769 It allowed factories to be located where there was no animals, wind, water power RAILROAD Was invented by Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson in 1800 Built high pressure steam engines used to power locomotives Railways triggered Industrialization in iron and coal rich areas such as France, Belgium, the Ruhr, and Silesia