Intel’s Ethical Expectations for Suppliers & their Employees Course ID: 00018883 Revision 5, 06/26/2012 Welcome to Intel’s supplier ethics training course.
Agenda Ethics Business Principles Ethics Expectations and Key Policies Intel’s Code of Conduct Intel’s Anti-Corruption Policy Supplier Ethics Expectations Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Ethics Expectations and Key Policies Bribes, Kickbacks and Commissions Gifts and Gratuities Conflicts of Interest Use of Intel’s Name Protecting Intel’s Assets Accurate Records Reporting Responsibility Consequences of Wrongdoing Summary Today we’ll talk about Intel’s ethics expectations for our suppliers. First, we’ll talk Intel’s business principles and overall ethics expectations. Then we’ll talk more in depth about some specific ethics topics, reporting potential ethics issues, and consequences for not complying with our expectations. We’ll have a brief summary at the end. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Intel’s Code of Conduct Intel conducts business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism Intel complies with all applicable laws & regulations Intel respects competition Intel supports and upholds a set of core values and principles Intel employees are held to our Code of Conduct which guides: How we work together to develop and deliver product How we define, implement and uphold Intel values How we work with customers, suppliers and others Intel conducts business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism. Intel follows the law, respects competition, and upholds a set of core principles in doing business. All Intel employees must follow Intel’s code of conduct, which guides how we work together, and how we work with customers and suppliers. If our suppliers see Intel employees who are not meeting Intel’s Code of Conduct, Intel wants to know about it. (We’ll talk later about reporting issues.) All Intel employees must abide by the Code of Conduct when conducting Intel-related business Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Intel’s Code of Conduct As a key part of our corporate values, Intel continuously seeks to maintain the highest ethical standards worldwide Intel’s Code of Conduct and ethical expectations may exceed the requirements of applicable laws or common practices of a region All Intel employees are expected to comply with the Intel Code of Conduct regardless of local business practices or social customs As part of doing business with uncompromising integrity, Intel seeks to operate beyond reproach, worldwide. The Intel Code of Conduct may be different from local business practice or social customs, but Intel employees must still comply with it. Should you have any concerns about an Intel employee not meeting our ethical standards, we want you to report the potential issue to Intel. The Goal - Beyond Reproach, Worldwide Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Intel’s Code of Conduct Principles Conducting Business w/Honesty & Integrity Follow the Letter & Spirit of the Law Treat All Employees Fairly Conducting Business w/customers, suppliers, & others Take Corporate Responsibility Preparing Accurate Financial and Other Records Antitrust Bribery & Anti-corruption Environmental Mgmt & Compliance Import & Export Compliance Insider Trading Intellectual Property Privacy Public Communications Open & Honest Communication Equal Employment Opportunities Anti-Harassment Safety Avoid Conflicts of Interest Protect Intel’s Assets and Reputation The Code of Conduct is a principle-based document Employees are also responsible for following any policies and guidelines that apply to their jobs. Specifics on policies and guidelines may differ depending on whether you work for Intel or any one of its subsidiaries. To see the many Code of Conduct resources available where you work, select the appropriate resource link. Bookmark the link to use during the course and later on the job. Conflict of Interest Examples Handling Conflicts of Interest Gifts & Entertainment Protecting Physical Assets Maintaining Information Security Safeguarding Trademarks & Brands Representing Intel Intel Code of Conduct
Intel’s Anti-Corruption Policy Intel strictly prohibits all forms of bribery We must never offer, promise or accept bribes or kickbacks and must not participate in or facilitate corrupt activities of any kind Intel expects all suppliers to comply with Intel’s Anti-Corruption Policy and Code of Conduct Intel further expects its Suppliers, their employees to prohibit bribery and corruption in any form and to communicate these expectations to their third parties as well. As part of doing business with uncompromising integrity, Intel seeks to operate beyond reproach, worldwide. The Intel Code of Conduct may be different from local business practice or social customs, but Intel employees must still comply with it. Should you have any concerns about an Intel employee not meeting our ethical standards, we want you to report the potential issue to Intel. Expectations and Goal - Beyond Reproach, Worldwide Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Supplier Ethics Expectations All Intel suppliers and their employees are expected to comply with Intel’s ethical expectations regardless of local business practices or social customs Suppliers are expected to report concerns regarding ethical issues or violations of Intel’s Code of Conduct or Anti-Corruption Policy Intel expects its suppliers to comply with all applicable antitrust laws. Intel expects that suppliers ensure that their employees understand and comport with Intel business standards Train your current and new employees on Intel’s ethical and legal compliance expectations Ensure that your employees comply with Intel’s ethical and legal compliance expectations Intel expects our suppliers and their employees to comply with Intel’s ethical expectations. As part of doing business with uncompromising integrity, Intel seeks to operate beyond reproach, worldwide. Our ethical expectations may be different than local business practices or social customs, and may even feel impolite or downright rude within the local culture. It’s very important to fully understand Intel’s expectations so that you can meet them. Intel expects suppliers to report any potential ethics issues or violations that you’re aware of. (Later in this presentation, we’ll review how to report issues.) Intel expects that our suppliers make sure that their employees understand and comply with Intel’s ethics expectations. You’ll need to train your employees and any new employees you may hire, and need to make sure they meet the ethics expectations. Overall, Intel seeks to be beyond reproach—worldwide. Same Goal - Beyond Reproach, Worldwide Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
EICC Code of Conduct Elements Understand and comply with the EICC Code at Today’s discussion focuses on ethics Uphold the Highest Standards Business Integrity No Improper Advantage Disclosure of Information Intellectual Property Fair Competition Protection of Identity Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Privacy Non-retaliation Workers Treated with Respect & Dignity Freely Chosen Employment Child Labor Avoidance Working Hours Wages and Benefits Humane Treatment Non-Discrimination Freedom of Association Global Environmental Stewardship Permits & Reporting Pollution Prevention Hazardous Substances Wastewater Solid Waste Air Emissions Product Content Labor Environment Management Systems approach drives sustainable solutions Evaluate & Control Exposure to Hazards Emergency Preparedness Occupational Injury & illness Industrial Hygiene Physically Demanding Work Machine Safeguarding Dormitory & Canteen Uphold the Highest Standards Business Integrity No Improper Advantage Disclosure of Information Intellectual Property Fair Competition Protection of Identity Health & Safety Ethics Intel has been a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) since 2004. The EICC works to ensure that companies in the electronics industry supply chain have safe, respectful, and environmentally sound workplaces. Our suppliers must comply with the EICC. For more info, please see EICC Code has 5 main elements: Labor, Environment, Business Ethics, Industrial Health & Safety, and Management Systems. Labor was enhanced - Freely Chosen Employment: no slavery, human trafficking. Excessive fees are unacceptable and ALL fees charged to workers must be disclosed Today we’re focusing on Ethics expectations where several additions were made. Business Integrity: zero tolerance policy that prohibits any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement Responsible Sourcing of Minerals (conflict minerals): reasonably assure that the tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold does not finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country Privacy: protecting the reasonable privacy expectations, Comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements Non-retaliation: process for personnel to be able to raise any concerns without fear of retaliation We will talk more in depth about this specific element. Intel has been a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (“EICC”) since 2004. Our suppliers must comply with the EICC. For more info, please see NOTE: All Intel employees and supplier employees must follow the proper safety precautions and safeguards that apply to our job and workplace Understand and comply with the EICC Today’s discussion focuses on ethics Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Ethics Principles Intel is proud to be recognized worldwide as an ethical company We expect uncompromising integrity and professionalism in our business relationships Helps to assure fairness in our supplier selection and management processes Protects our corporate reputation and enables expanded business with our customers Intel is proud to be recognized worldwide as an ethical company. We’re committed to operating at the highest standard of ethical performance, and expect uncompromising integrity in our business relationships. We believe that doing so is good business, helping Intel to gain the best suppliers of goods and services we need, and supporting expanded business with our customers. As part of Intel’s commitment to seeking the highest standards of ethical performance from our suppliers, Intel is conducting anti-corruption due diligence as required by regulatory agencies, including the Dept. of Justice, the SEC and the Serious Fraud Office of the UK. In addition, Intel will expect that its suppliers have the same expectations from their third parties to comply with regulatory requirements and ethical principles. Continuing our commitment to the highest standard of ethical performance is good business. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
EthicS expectations Now let’s discuss several ethics topics in more depth. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Bribes & Kickbacks Bribes, Kickbacks and Commissions Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Bribes & Kickbacks Many countries have bribery and other anti-corruption laws that prohibit bribery of government officials by companies and individuals and laws that prohibit commercial bribery. Regulatory agencies around the world, including the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Securities Exchange Commission and the U.K. Serious Fraud Office, are aggressively enforcing anti-corruption laws, including matters related to: Bribery Inadequately documented transactions, books and records or internal controls potential corrupt activities of third parties or intermediaries who act on behalf of companies. It’s very simple. Bribes, and kickbacks are not allowed. This means no improper or corrupt payments to government officials, government employees to unlawfully influence a decision to award business, government approvals, permits or licenses or other government decisions. This includes facilitation payments that may be requested by government employees. Intel’s policy expressly prohibits payment of facilitation payments. Also, be aware that commercial bribery is illegal under many country laws. Payments to improperly or corruptly influence retaining business, obtaining business are likewise unacceptable There is a new websites for Suppliers to provide more information on this subject, plus includes a “hot line” that is managed by a 3rd Party outside of Intel to provide more anonymity. This has just been added in August of 2011. Key msg: Never offer a bribe to an Intel employee, whether directly or through a third party. No Intel employee may accept a bribe. If an Intel employee ever asks for a bribe, report this right away. Intel doesn’t allow bribes to government officials, whether by our own employees or through a third party. Public Ethics & Compliance Hotline for reporting at Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Bribes & Kickbacks Intel’s Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption. This means: Compliance with all anti-corruption laws and all national and local laws. Accurate documentation for all transactions Intel expects the same high level of integrity, standards of conduct and professionalism from our suppliers as we do from our employees. Intel expects our Suppliers to comply with all anti-corruption laws and to accurately document all transactions conducted on behalf of Intel. As part of Intel’s anti-corruption program, Intel is conducting risk based anti-corruption due diligence on its third parties. Intel expects its Suppliers, their employees to prohibit bribery and corruption in any form and to communicate these expectations to their third parties as well. If an Intel employee asks your company to pay a bribe or asks for a bribe, a kickback or anything of value, report this immediately to Intel. Same message from previous note page… It’s very simple. Bribes, and kickbacks are not allowed. This means no improper or corrupt payments to government officials, government employees to unlawfully influence a decision to award business, government approvals, permits or licenses or other government decisions. This includes facilitation payments that may be requested by government employees. Intel’s policy expressly prohibits payment of facilitation payments. Also, be aware that commercial bribery is illegal under many country laws. Payments to improperly or corruptly influence retaining business, obtaining business are likewise unacceptable Intel is conducting anti-corruption due diligence based on risk criteria, including location (is the country where business being conducted high risk for bribery or corruption); is the type of business require interaction with government officials or government employees or State Owned enterprises; the type of contract – among other item. Due Diligence is required under the UK Bribery Act and is expected by the U.S. regulatory agencies as well. Other countries may be moving in this direction. Intel’s expectation that its suppliers will communicate these expectations and requirements to their suppliers as well. There is a new websites for Suppliers to provide more information on this subject, plus includes a “hot line” that is managed by a 3rd Party outside of Intel to provide more anonymity. This has just been added in August of 2011. Key msg: Never offer a bribe to an Intel employee, whether directly or through a third party. No Intel employee may accept a bribe. If an Intel employee ever asks for a bribe, report this right away. Intel doesn’t allow bribes to government officials, whether by our own employees or through a third party. Public Ethics & Compliance Line for reporting at Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Gifts and Gratuities In this section we’ll cover Gifts and Gratuities Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Gifts & Gratuities Intel values our business relationship with suppliers based on their performance Future business from Intel is based on the supplier’s ability to deliver on cost, performance, and quality of the goods and services we buy The Intel Code of Conduct Forbids our employees from soliciting gifts, entertainment or favors Strictly limits our employees’ ability to accept gifts Intel prefers that suppliers do not give gifts to our employees and appreciates your support on this request. Intel values our business relationship with our suppliers based on their ability to deliver the goods and services we buy at the cost, performance, and quality that we need. Intel employees do not need gifts. Our code of conduct strictly limits our employees’ ability to accept gifts. Presenting an Intel employee with gifts may cause problems for him or her. We prefer that our suppliers not give gifts to Intel employees, even for traditional festivals or celebrations. Also of note: Intel employees may not ask for gifts, entertainment or favors. If that happens, please report it to Intel Management right away. Any gift which creates or appears to create an obligation is likely to be viewed as a bribe, creating undue influence. It’s best to avoid these situations. If a gift would create or appear to create an improper or unfair obligation, it could viewed as a bribe or create a conflict of interest Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Conflict of Interest In this section we’ll review Conflicts of Interest Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest occurs when an Intel employee’s personal or family interests interfere—or even appear to interfere—with the employee’s ability to make sound business decisions in the best interest of Intel. Examples of potential conflict of interest situations: Offering or accepting gifts Using Intel information or position for personal gain (or gain by relatives or friends) Hiring, supervising or evaluating friends or relatives Intel employee having an ownership interest in a supplier business Intel employees must avoid any activity which may interfere or appear to interfere with the proper performance of their duties Intel employees must always make business decisions in the best interest of Intel. They have to avoid any conflicts of interest which would interfere or appear to interfere with their ability to perform their duties. Potential conflicts may include: Gifts Using Intel information for personal gain Evaluating friends or relatives that own or work in a company that is being selected as a potential Intel Supplier Owning part of a supplier business If you believe an Intel employee may have a conflict of interest, Intel wants you to report it. We ask our Supplier to disclose any conflicts of interest at Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Use of Intel’s Name In this next section, we’ll review the Use of Intel’s Name Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Do not use Intel’s name or logos Use of Intel Name Intel Corporate Purchase Agreements, Purchase Orders and General Contractor Agreement specify, Suppliers may not: Use Intel’s logos without a written license Use Intel’s name to advertise your products, goods or services (rare exceptions may be granted with prior written approval by Intel Senior Management) Disclose Intel as a customer or release information about relationships with Intel, by name or by an indirect or descriptive reference. Suppliers may not use Intel’s logos without a written license. Suppliers may not use Intel’s name to advertise your products, goods, services or company. Suppliers may not disclose that Intel is a customer, or release information about relationships with Intel. Our purchase agreements and General Contractor agreements specify this obligation. Rarely, Intel will make an exception and allow a supplier to say that Intel is a customer—permission must be requested in advance, and given in writing by Intel Senior Management. Do not disclose Intel as a customer—whether you list Intel by name, or indirectly, through your description. Do not use Intel’s name or logos Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Misrepresentation and Use of Intel’s Name Suppliers may not represent themselves as acting on Intel’s behalf (unless specifically authorized in writing by Intel Senior Management) Suppliers may not Make donations, gifts, etc. on Intel’s behalf Intel has our own charitable giving programs Make bribe payments, kickbacks, etc. on Intel’s behalf Suppliers may not say that they’re from Intel, nor may they make donations or gifts on Intel’s behalf. Intel has a charitable giving program on behalf of our corporation. And never pay a bribe or kickback on Intel’s behalf. This is not allowed, whether done directly or through a third party. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Protecting Intel Assets and Confidential Information Now let’s discuss protecting Intel assets and confidential information. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Protecting Intel Assets and Confidential Information Suppliers must protect Intel assets including but not limited to: Intel funds Trade Secrets, Confidential Information and other Intel Intellectual Property Suppliers with access to confidential information must sign a Corporate Non-Disclosure Agreement (CNDA) which provides that they not disclose Intel confidential information to a third party and vice versa Appropriate security measures must be in place to address Intel Confidential data handling, access requirements, data storage and communications (in transit). Compliance to Intel’s privacy rules, which are based on universal privacy principles, are required when personal information (PI) is collected/used/stored. NOTE: Supplier employees who connect to Intel’s network or have access to Intel’s classified information may be required to take additional Intel Information Security and Privacy training Equipment and buildings NOTE: Some areas of Intel facilities are “off limits” to contractors and suppliers Intel-sponsored meetings and events Contingent Workers (CWs) may not attend Intel-sponsored meetings and events unless specifically invited by the Intel business group and approved by the Intel CW Policy Team CWs may attend Intel business meetings only where needed for specific project- or task-related reasons; then must be excused Suppliers must protect Intel assets, including Intel funds, confidential information, equipment, and buildings. Intel assets must not be sold, borrowed, lent, given away or modified in any way that would impair their value. As an Intel supplier, you are also personally responsible for safeguarding the company’s assets from: Loss or overuse Inappropriate modifications Disclosure to anyone who lacks either the authorization or the need-to-know. Suppliers with access to confidential information sign a nondisclosure agreement or CNDA. Make sure you understand your responsibility under the CNDA, and correctly protect the confidential information. A couple of reminders: Any supplier employee who connects to Intel’s network must take Intel’s Information Security and Privacy classes. Please ensure that any of your employees who need this training, get it. And, Contingent Workers should only attend Intel Business meeting where they’re invited for specific project- or task-related reasons, and only for the relevant part of the meeting. Intel expects our suppliers to be leaders and role models in protecting Intel assets and confidential information. Intel expects our Suppliers to be Leaders and Role Models in protecting Intel assets and Confidential information Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Accurate Records Let’s now talk about the importance of Accurate Records. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Accurate Records Intel requires keeping accurate financial and other books and records Both Intel and Suppliers must keep accurate business records during the course of their relationship Contractual and Legal requirements also require retention of such records for a period of time beyond termination of the relationship Intel does not permit or otherwise allow or condone falsification of documents Doing business with highest standards of professionalism and in accordance with the Code of Conduct, means documenting and maintaining accurate books and records. This is an Intel requirement and is also required under many laws such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and GAAP. Transparency is critical for accurate books and records. Both Intel and the supplier must keep accurate business records during the course of the relationship. These records may be required to be retained beyond the termination of the relationship, based on contractual or legal requirements. Intel does not allow falsification of records. If you know of an attempt to falsify information in Intel’s records, or if it appears to be such an attempt—report this immediately to Intel Management. Immediately report to Intel Management any attempt to falsify information in Intel’s records (or the appearance of doing so) Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Reporting Responsibility We’ve mentioned several times that Intel wants our suppliers to report any concerns about ethical behaviour or violations of Intel’s Code of Conduct. Now let’s discuss how to do this. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Reporting Responsibility Intel expects our suppliers to report issues We do not tolerate any retaliation against anyone who in good faith reports possible violations of law, the Code, Anti-Corruption Policy or other company guidelines, or who asks questions about on-going or proposed conduct. Employees who attempt to retaliate will be disciplined. Intel investigates each allegation thoroughly to determine the facts and the parties involved Suppliers should report to Intel Management any potential ethical issues or violations of Intel’s Code of Conduct or Anti-Corruption Policy By an Intel employee or supplier employees or supplier third parties Ethical issues in the procurement process Any other ethical concerns Intel expects our suppliers to report issues. There will be no negative ramifications for any person or company who reports an ethics issue in good faith. If you think something looks wrong… if you have a concern about ethical behavior… Intel wants to know. Intel investigates each allegation thoroughly to determine the facts of the situation, and who was involved. Even if you do not have all the facts, and have only a concern—Intel wants you to report it with confidence that we will investigate, and take action only after we know the facts. Suppliers should report to Intel Management any potential ethics issues, or potential violations of Intel’s Code of Conduct. We encourage reporting of potential violations by an Intel employee or a supplier employee, of ethics issues in the procurement process, or any other ethical concerns. We want suppliers to report potentials issues—so that Intel can investigate and act. Report issues at so Intel can investigate as necessary Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Reporting Responsibility Notify Intel Management any way you wish: Phone call, e-mail, fax, letter Signed or anonymous (where allowed by law) Anonymous reports may limit Intel’s ability to follow up on an allegation Sometimes we need clarification or more information in order to verify the allegation English or Local Language Multiple contact points for raising issues Local Intel representatives Intel Internal Audit Intel Security (monitored by Internal Audit) Ethics phone line available 24x7 in 200+ different languages. The number can be found at Suppliers can report issues to Intel Management any way you wish. You can make a phone call; send an e-mail, fax, or letter. You can sign the report and give your contact details, or be anonymous. Note that our investigators may need to ask questions, to get more information, to get clarifications. It’s best to provide a means for the investigator to contact you if necessary, so that they can either verify or disprove the allegation. Reminder: you can provide additional information anonymously in response to inquires through our Ethics Reporting tool. You can report the potential issue in whatever language best allows you to describe the issue clearly and thoroughly. If Intel Management cannot read the language in which the report is written, we can have it translated. You can report issues to Intel Management through multiple channels: Management at the site Management of the organization Management independent of the organization/site: Internal Audit, Security, Legal, Controls, Finance Please see the ethics information on our supplier website to learn more about how to report issues, and to get specific phone numbers and email contact information. We may need additional data, documentation, clarifications, etc. in order to investigate the facts. Without being able to ask questions of the reporter, we may be unable to substantiate the allegation. Also see the Ethics info on website for phone numbers, email and contacts for reporting issues Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Reports Lead to Investigations When Intel receives a report alleging ethical wrong-doing: Independent and objective Intel team investigates Prompt and confidential review of the case If the facts support the allegation, Intel takes appropriate action: Potential consequences to all parties involved (e.g. - Intel employees, suppliers, other third parties) May require reporting to governmental authorities for further investigation and/or prosecution When Intel receives a report of a potential ethics issue, we set up an investigations team. They are independent of the organization in which the potential wrong-doing has occurred, so they can objectively review the facts. They keep the investigation confidential, in case the allegation of wrong-doing cannot be proven, and promptly review the case to understand who is involved and what has occurred. If the facts are found to support the allegation, Intel takes the appropriate consequences with all the parties involved. Depending on the case, it may also require reporting to governmental authorities for further investigation or prosecution. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Consequences of Wrongdoing Let’s talk more about the consequences of ethical wrongdoing. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Consequences of Wrongdoing Violation of the Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy or Intel’s ethical expectations results in disciplinary action Intel employees: up to and including termination of employment Suppliers: up to and including termination of supplier agreements with Intel and banning future contracts with that supplier Supplier employees (including contingent workers at Intel): denial of access to Intel or removal from Intel’s premises Intel may seek restitution and legal action (where appropriate) Violating Intel’s code of conduct or Intel’s ethical expectations results in disciplinary action. For Intel employees, we take disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. For suppliers, we take disciplinary action up to and including terminating supplier agreements with Intel, and banning future contracts. And for supplier employees, they may be denied access to Intel sites, or removed from Intel’s premises. Where appropriate, Intel may seek restitution or take legal action. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Summary Now, let’s summarize what we have learned Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
We value your support & participation in meeting this key goal Summary Intel conducts business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism: Striving to be beyond reproach, Worldwide Ethics violations are unacceptable to Intel We investigate and take such action as is appropriate to the facts Suppliers need to report all such issues (actual or suspected), so Intel can investigate and act Help Intel maintain the highest level of integrity in all business dealings Establish an ethical business culture Train your employees on Intel’s ethics requirements and expectations as established by the Intel Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy Create an environment where employees can raise concerns without fear Support and implement fair supplier selection and management processes Intel conducts business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism. We have established a global standard which may be different than local customs or business practices. Our goal is to be Beyond Reproach, Worldwide. Intel investigates potential ethics and code of conduct violations. We take action appropriate to the facts of the case, with consequences to those involved. Suppliers must report all ethics issues—suspected or known—so that Intel can investigate and act. We invite you to join Intel in having the highest level of integrity in our business dealings. Create an ethical business culture in your firm Train your employees on Intel’s ethics expectations Create an environment where employees can raise ethics concerns without fear Support and implement fair supplier selection and management processes. We value your support & participation in meeting this key goal Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)
Thank you! Thank you for your attention and commitment to strong ethical practices. Supplier Ethical Expectations (00018883) (Rev. 5)