Eliminating Hostile Environments Los Angeles Unified School District Division of Special Education
2 Objectives Gain information on strategies that eliminate hostile environments Gain information on strategies that eliminate hostile environments Awareness of procedures for reporting disability based discrimination-harassment Awareness of procedures for reporting disability based discrimination-harassment
3 District Commitment to Students and Parents Students are to attend schools in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching: Students are to attend schools in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching:SafeWelcomeSupportedNurturedProtected
4 Laws and District Policy Exist to Protect Our Students Federal Law Federal Law State Law State Law District Policy District Policy
5 Parent / Student Notification Parent / Student Notification Parent Student Handbook Distribution Parent Student Handbook Distribution “Title IX and Nondiscrimination” “Title IX and Nondiscrimination” Distributed to secondary students Distributed to secondary students Topics discussed with elementary students Topics discussed with elementary students “Section 504 and Students with Disabilities” “Section 504 and Students with Disabilities” Distributed to all students Distributed to all students
6 What is Section 504? Section 504 is a civil rights statue that prohibits discrimination/harassment on the basis of a disability. Section 504 is a civil rights statue that prohibits discrimination/harassment on the basis of a disability. Section 504 defines an individual with a disability as: “A person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Section 504 defines an individual with a disability as: “A person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.”
7 Definition of Disability-Based Harassment Unwanted Unwanted Based on disability Based on disability Severe or pervasive Severe or pervasive Objectively offensive Objectively offensive Effectively denies equal access to a school’s resources and opportunities. Effectively denies equal access to a school’s resources and opportunities.
8 What is Bullying? What is Bullying? Habitual cruelty to others weaker or perceived to be weaker than oneself. Habitual cruelty to others weaker or perceived to be weaker than oneself. Aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of real or perceived physical or psychological power among those involved. Aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of real or perceived physical or psychological power among those involved.
9 Forms of Hostile Environments Forms of Hostile Environments Physical Physical Verbal Verbal Nonverbal Nonverbal Emotional (Psychological) Emotional (Psychological) Cyber Bullying Cyber Bullying
10 Schools Must Respond The lack of a strong, immediate response by a teacher or administrator who is aware of the harassment may be perceived by a student as approval of the activity or as an indication that the student deserves the harassment. The lack of a strong, immediate response by a teacher or administrator who is aware of the harassment may be perceived by a student as approval of the activity or as an indication that the student deserves the harassment.
11 What should be done What should be done Staff should meet with your child to learn about the bullying that he or she has experienced. Staff should meet with your child to learn about the bullying that he or she has experienced. A plan should be developed to keep your child safe and be watchful for any future bullying. A plan should be developed to keep your child safe and be watchful for any future bullying. Educators and parents should be careful not to “blame the victim.” Educators and parents should be careful not to “blame the victim.”
12 Strategies in Place to Guarantee a Safe Learning Environment District Wide District Wide District Discipline Foundation Policy District Discipline Foundation Policy District’s policy and procedures regarding harassment District’s policy and procedures regarding harassment Yearly training for staff and students. Yearly training for staff and students. School Site School Site Parent handbook, Title IX and Nondiscrimination brochures, Assemblies, Social Skill Instruction Parent handbook, Title IX and Nondiscrimination brochures, Assemblies, Social Skill Instruction School Wide Positive Behavior Support System School Wide Positive Behavior Support System
13 Strategies at Home Talk to your child about school, behavior and responsibility Talk to your child about school, behavior and responsibility Teach your children assertiveness and conflict resolution Teach your children assertiveness and conflict resolution Know school rules Know school rules Know laws and policies that prohibit harassment Know laws and policies that prohibit harassment Alert school to incidents of bullying and harassment Alert school to incidents of bullying and harassment Know complaint procedures Know complaint procedures
14 Strategies at Home Talk with your child’s teacher, dean or counselor Talk with your child’s teacher, dean or counselor Schedule a conference with a school administrator Schedule a conference with a school administrator Provide your concerns in writing Provide your concerns in writing Ask to know the disposition of any investigations Ask to know the disposition of any investigations Seek out supports Seek out supports Speak to Educational Service Center personnel (i.e., Operations Administrator) Speak to Educational Service Center personnel (i.e., Operations Administrator)
15 Rights to Appeal School-Site Decisions or Actions Principal Principal Educational Service Center personnel Educational Service Center personnel Educational Equity Compliance Office Educational Equity Compliance Office Provide your concerns in writing Provide your concerns in writing District prohibits retaliation against anyone for filing a complaint or appeal or participating in a complaint investigation District prohibits retaliation against anyone for filing a complaint or appeal or participating in a complaint investigation
16 Uniform Complaint Procedure If not satisfied with the school site resolution, parent, student, staff, or any person may file a written complaint or appeal with: If not satisfied with the school site resolution, parent, student, staff, or any person may file a written complaint or appeal with: Educational Service Centers Educational Service Centers Educational Equity Compliance Office Educational Equity Compliance Office
17 Board Rule 133 Complaints Charge or complaint against a District employee shall be in writing Charge or complaint against a District employee shall be in writing Filed with the Executive Officer of the Board of Education – (213) Filed with the Executive Officer of the Board of Education – (213) Will be investigated with a written response from the Board President Will be investigated with a written response from the Board President
18 Equity in Programs and Activities for ALL Students Equal rights and opportunities: Equal rights and opportunities: To attend school and participate in courses and programs, regardless of protected category To attend school and participate in courses and programs, regardless of protected category To counseling opportunities To counseling opportunities To extracurricular activities To extracurricular activities To honors, special awards, scholarships, and graduation activities To honors, special awards, scholarships, and graduation activities
19 District Resources to Support & Assist Parents and Students School principal/administrator School principal/administrator Educational Service Centers Educational Service Centers Special Education Educational Service Centers Special Education Educational Service Centers Educational Equity Compliance Office Educational Equity Compliance Office
20 LAUSD is committed to making sure that students know and feel that they are safe and protected in our schools.
21 For more information call: Educational Equity Compliance Office, (213) Visit our website: Go to LAUSDnet; then, “District Info”: then, Administrative Offices- Click on: Educational Equity Compliance