Smoke-Free Policy --Operation Residence Halls-- Originally Developed By: Philemon Abongo Cynthia Fowler Anita Johnson Janet McClure Brandy Orth Courtney Taylor Jennifer Wood Modified for the HEALTH Kick Butts Campaign
Operation Residence Halls We are proposing a change in policy that would prohibit smoking in and around the WSU residence halls.
Why is this necessary? The purpose of our policy change is to: Prevent Initiation of New Smokers Enhance the Rights of Non- Smokers
WSU Demographics WSU has over 15,000 students enrolled, representing over 110 foreign countries and almost every county in the state of KS Nearly 87% of students are from KS Average age of freshmen at WSU is 19 Average age of all undergrad students is 24
What do WSU students think about campus tobacco? 82.3% would rather date a non-smoker 77.3% would prefer to socialize in a smoke free environment 67.4% respect a person more if they have made the decision to be smoke free 80.4% think that smoking is a disgusting habit About ¼ of those surveyed said that people’s smoking habits have caused problems at WSU 92.1% agreed that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health Approx. ½ of students surveyed think our campus should be tobacco free Based on the HEALTH Student Association’s 2006 Survey “WSU Student Beliefs and Behaviors Relative to Cigarette Smoking” IRB #
What are the current WSU residence hall smoking policies? Fairmount Towers – 5 th floor has been designated for smoking. Currently only 2 residents are classified as smokers. Wheatshocker Apt. – 2 nd and 3 rd floors designated for non-smoking residents. Currently 19 out of the 470 are smokers. Brennan Hall – Smoke-free building. Currently 5 out of 78 residents smoke.
Why focus on the WSU campus residence halls? Based on tobacco research, residence halls are a prime location for prevention of smoking initiation efforts. Residents at Fairmount Towers are primarily freshman making independent health decisions for the first time in life. Smoke-free residence halls become a barrier for the initiation of cigarette smoking and the rights of the non-smokers are immediately enhanced.
Some KS colleges have already taken the necessary steps to be smoke-free!
Emporia State University Policy Emphasize a healthy environment for all students. All buildings have a 30-foot radius in which smoking is prohibited. There are designated smoking buildings/ spaces on campus. The University supports a website with statistics and helpful smoking cessation information targeting the college student population aged
University of Kansas “Smoking is not permitted in any Lawrence Campus or Edwards Campus building.” Designated smoking areas exist for smokers on the east and west ramps of the campus. One smoke-free entrance is available at each building. Smoke-free areas are properly marked and smoking is not permitted within a twenty foot radius of the entrance. Questions/ complaints are managed by the Human Resources Department.
WSU Current Policy “It is the policy of Wichita State University to prohibit smoking in all areas of all campus buildings including residence halls (except for designated smoking areas). Smoking is also prohibited in University owned vehicles.”
WSU’s Current Residence Hall Policy “Smoking is prohibited in any public area inside a Housing and Residence Life facility, including any stairwells, hallways, lounges, and the Fairmount Tower’s Café. Smoking is also prohibited in student rooms unless the student applies for and receives a designated smoking room. Students in these rooms may smoke only with their doors shut; they many not smoke in the restrooms or kitchens. In Wheatshocker Apartments, the second and third floors are smoke-free. Smoking in designated, individual room/apartments is permitted in Brennan Hall and on the 5 th floor of Fairmount North.”
Residence Policy Continued “Housing and Residence Life makes every effort to ensure that nonsmokers are not assigned a roommate or suitemate(s) who smokes unless they have mutually requested each other or unless there is no other room/ apartment available and both students give consent. Extreme caution should be exercised when smoking. Cigarette butts must not be thrown in the trash containers or on hall grounds; please use ashtrays near the entrances. Residents are asked to refrain from smoking a cigar, pipe, or other form of legal tobacco that they may disturb other residents because of the amount of smoke produced. Additionally, residents are prohibited from using any device that requires the use of charcoal, lighter fluid, or anything producing an open flame.”
Proposed HEALTH policy Smoke Free-Housing – Wichita State University is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment for students, faculty and staff of this campus. Purpose: To comply with campus regulations regarding smoking in campus buildings such as resident housing including all students, staff and visitors on campus.
HEALTH Policy The purpose of having a smoke-free housing environment at Wichita State University is to comply with the former campus policy as well as assure that the rights and welfare of all non-smokers are protected as well as provide a safe housing environment for all students.
HEALTH Policy Statement It is the policy of Wichita State University that all housing options prohibit smoking. This includes any public area inside and outside a Housing and Resident Life facility. Smoking is prohibited in all rooms, stairwells, hallways, lounges, café, and entrances. Smoking is only allowed in a designated smoking area. The Smoke-Free policy applies to all Wichita State University housing facilities, owned or leased, regardless of location.
Health Policy Continued… Smoking shall not be permitted in any enclosed place, including private residential space within university housing. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Smoking shall occur at a reasonable distance (25 feet or more) outside any enclosed area where smoking is allowed so as to insure that secondhand smoke does not enter through entrances, windows, ventilation systems or any other means.
Why have a change in policy? Elevates non-smoker’s rights to clean air Prevents initiation of smoking among college students Reduces destruction of residence halls Reduces risk of fire caused by smoking (the second leading cause of fires)
Careless Smoking Residence Hall policy: “Possession or use of candles, other substances capable of producing an open flame, or incense is prohibited at all times…” SMOKING CREATES AN OPEN FLAME!! In 2004 alone, lighted tobacco products caused an estimated 14,450 residential fires, 520 civilian deaths, 1,330 injuries, and $371 million in residential property damage. (US Fire Administration)
Implementing the policy change Change must be student driven – stand up for your rights and get involved! Collaboration necessary with Student Government Association (SGA) and other interested student organizations. Education about the harm of secondhand smoke and the myth of “social smoking” must continue.
If adopted… Copies of the policy shall be distributed to all students, faculty and staff Announcements shall be printed in campus newspapers “No Smoking” signs will be posted Ashtrays will be removed at any location in the Housing and Resident Life facility where policy prohibits smoking Cigarettes shall not be sold on university grounds
The Transition to Smoke-Free Policy would be announced three months prior to implementation On-site smoking cessation programs shall be made available Questions/ Comments directed through current departmental administrative channels
Enforcing the Policy Violation of this policy will result in such action: 1 st Offense – Citation with a $20 fine by campus police 2 nd Offense – Citation with $40 fine by campus police and a warning with such further actions 3 rd Offense – Subjects will be asked to leave campus housing areas or residents will be given a three day written notice of eviction from campus housing
In Conclusion: This policy change would be the first phase of a series that would not only maintain the rights of smokers but would elevate the rights of non-smokers, while also preventing smoking initiation.