Chapter 20: Lesson 1 Tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive drug that causes changes in the brain that makes tobacco users want more nicotine, which makes it very difficult for the user to quit Nicotine is a stimulant, a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs The smoke from tobacco is toxic and contains poisonous compounds, tar and carbon monoxide
Smokeless tobacco is addictive and can cause cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas to develop Tobacco dulls taste buds, and tobacco users often lose much of their ability to enjoy food Nicotine causes stroke, gum recession, tooth decay, tooth loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, hardened arteries and heart attack
Long term tobacco use causes a weakened immune system, which makes the body more vulnerable to disease. Consequences of tobacco use include costs to society, financial costs, legal consequences, and social issues
Chapter 20: Lesson 2 Helps cope with stress Makes a person seem mature and independent Improved fitness level and athletic performance A sense of freedom knowing you’re not dependent on an addictive substance More confidence in social situations
Surround yourself with positive influences Be prepared with refusal skills Get support and encouragement Access professional health services
Chapter 20: Lesson 3 Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke Mainstream smoke Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar SIDS is sudden infant death syndrome. Infants exposed to ETS after birth are twice as likely to die of SIDS
Secondhand smoke can slow lung development in children Politely request that he or she not smoke inside your home To prohibit smoking in all public buildings In any order: Get involved in activities that promote a healthy lifestyle Encourage others to practice healthful behaviors Start a tobacco-prevention program at school Join a campaign for stricter tobacco regulations
Vocabulary Practice (part I) Carbon monoxide Mainstream smoke Tar Nicotine withdrawal Nicotine Stimulant Smokeless tobacco Addictive drug Sidestream smoke Nicotine substitute Carcinogen
Vocabulary Practice (part II) Primary Prohibit Legislation Restrict Incidence Minimize Fund Recover Offset
Self Assessment: How did you do on the assignment? Draw a face with the expression that most describes how you would rate yourself next to your name Ask yourself: Did I have my assignment? Was it complete? Did I have to correct many of the answers? Did I fill in many of the answers?