Resources for Public Transportation Advocates Transit Initiatives and Communities: Lessons Learned Tempe, Arizona December 9, 2003 Michelle Ernst Senior Analyst Surface Transportation Policy Project
The STPP Coalition oNearly 700 organizations in 48 states oStakeholders representing diverse interests including: otransit advocacy obicycle/pedestrian advocacy oenvironmental protection opublic health osocial equity obusiness olocal government
Surface Transportation Policy Project What STPP Does oFederal transportation policy – TEA-21 reauthorization oCommunications/ Media oGrassroots organizing and support oAdvocacy research
Surface Transportation Policy Project How Can STPP Help You? o Facts and figures on transportation spending o Decoding transportation policy and practice o Updates on TEA-21 Reauthorization o Track the transportation reform movement – new ideas, best practices, success stories o Find local and national allies through the ANTC network
Surface Transportation Policy Project STPP’s Advocacy Research
Surface Transportation Policy Project Measuring Up: The Trend Toward Voter Approved Transportation Funding oIf state gas taxes had kept pace with inflation, they would be 50% higher! o30 states prohibit their gas tax from being used for public transit. oThe result is a trend toward ballot box financing, with 41 initiatives in oBallot initiatives are more successful when they: oProvide ample opportunity for stakeholder involvement in their development; oSpecify exactly what funds will be spent on; and, oProvide for a balanced mix of transportation options.
Surface Transportation Policy Project Americans’ Attitudes Toward Walking & Creating Better Walking Communities oNearly 50% of Americans report that being within walking distance to public transportation is very or somewhat important in deciding where to live. o6 in 10 Americans support using more spending on public transportation, even if this means less money to build new highways. oMore Americans (31%) say that improving public transportation is the best long-term solution to traffic congestion than any other option, including building new roads (25%).
Surface Transportation Policy Project Transportation Costs and the American Dream oTransportation, at 19.3% of expenditures, is the second highest spending category for the average family. oFor the poorest families, transportation takes up 40% of take home pay. oFamilies living in compact metro areas with good transit service spend far less on transportation than those living in sprawling metro areas.
Surface Transportation Policy Project “Transit Growing Faster than Driving: A Historic Shift in Travel Trends” oThe growth in transit ridership has exceeded the growth in driving for five years in a row. oIn 2001, transit use grew at twice the rate as driving. oMore than 9.5 billion trips were made by transit in 2001, the highest in more than 40 years. oThough in last year the growth in driving exceeded the growth in transit use, the overall trend still shows transit beating driving – 19% growth in ridership vs. 11.3% growth in driving.
Surface Transportation Policy Project STPP Response to TTI’s 2003 Annual Urban Mobility Report oPublic transportation helps reduce congestion in every urban area where it exists. oPublic transportation reduces delay from congestion by 1 billion hours annually. oPublic transportation saves Americans $21 billion in congestion costs (about three times the annual federal investment in public transportation).
Surface Transportation Policy Project Join the STPP Grassroots Network oHelp show Congress how diverse and widespread the transportation choice movement is. oSign on to the Alliance for a New Transportation Charter. oIt’s free – and we’ll put you on our and newsletter mailing lists. oUse the online form at
Surface Transportation Policy Project Michelle Ernst For More Information